WEEK 2: print(‘Hello World’)

Payton B -

This week was quite similar to the last week. I am still learning how to code in Python in Jupyter Notebook. I continued to work on my online class as well as working on some practice problems. Below is a breakdown of what I worked on this week:

On Monday, I spent my day learning about loops. This allowed me to try beginning to work on building a polynomial calculator.  Unfortunately, I ended up needing some help to fix a few issues. My calculator is now able to calculate the value of any polynomial and you just have to plug in the coefficients and the value of x.

On Tuesday, I learned about lists and the difference between a list and a string or a list and an array.

On Wednesday, I learned about using true false statements in coding by using things like if, elif, else, and, or, and not to make code either happen or not depending on whether something is true or false.

On Thursday, I spent the day importing files to create a data table.

On Friday, I had a meeting with Dr. Richardson and Becca to discuss how I am doing with learning to code. After telling them about my progress, we decided that next week I could start working with and running their code as we attempt to begin analyzing the star data that has been gathered. We decided that I would start by working on the code for a star in which the research has already been completed so I can get used to and fully understand what it is that I will be doing.

My plan for next week is to spend my time on campus working with their code and finishing my online course from home. I’m finding it is very important I fully understand how to code before I can continue to move forward with the rest of this project.

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    Taylor Phelan
    Hey, Payton! I like the way you describe what you learn each day :) Could you elaborate on what you learned Tuesday, the difference between a list and a string or a list and an array?
    Hi Payton! Are you building a polynomial calculator from scratch or does that mean something else? That is so cool! Also, what do the terms if, elif, else, and or mean in coding?
    Hi Payton! That sounds like an interesting week! What is the difference between a list and a string and a list and an array?
    Hi Taylor! A string is a series of letters and/or numbers such as 'hi_hello2'. You cannot change any part of a string without completely redefining it to be a different variable. For example, if I wanted to change the string above to 'Hi_Hello2', I would have to overwrite the previous one or define them as two separate things. With lists, you have the ability to change a specific part of the list back and forth in certain scenarios. Arrays also have the flexibility of a list, however, they function and appear like a matrix.
    Hi Edie! A string is a series of letters and/or numbers such as 'hi_hello2'. You cannot change any part of a string without completely redefining it to be a different variable. For example, if I wanted to change the string above to 'Hi_Hello2', I would have to overwrite the previous one or define them as two separate things. With lists, you have the ability to change a specific part of the list back and forth in certain scenarios. Arrays also have the flexibility of a list, however, they function and appear like a matrix.
    Hi Zoey! Yes, I did build the polynomial calculator from scratch. Also, if is a term used to set up an if-statement. An if-statement is a scenario where depending on some variable, one of some amount of things will occur. For example, if I say a = 33 If a > 1: print('a is big') elif a == 1: print('a is 1') else a < 1: print('a is small') the code will say a is big because it is bigger than 1.

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