Skylar C's Senior Project Blog

Project Title: How Libraries Help Us Preserve Our Past and Impact Our Future
BASIS Advisor: Matthew Corradi
Internship Location: 215 E. Goodwin St. Prescott, AZ 86303
Onsite Mentor: Melissa Orr/Sarah Willadsen, Lead Librarian, Adult Services

Project Abstract

When someone hears the word library, they undoubtedly imagine shelves heaped with books and scratched up DVDs available to borrow. But, libraries also play a lesser known role in people’s communities other than lending out materials: they are able to collect the local history of their town or city and preserve it through different ways. Digitizing old records and collecting documents and objects are ways these institutions are able to do this, and librarians are then able to display the memorabilia for the public to see. This allows the patrons to be more aware of their cultural heritage and where they came from, provides invaluable tools for researchers to reference and use in their studies, and ensures future generations will have access to direct links to their past. The town where I go to high school, Prescott, has an interesting history that is still very apparent and celebrated. Now, as the Prescott Public Library arrives at its fiftieth anniversary, the librarians are striving to document Prescott’s rich history by recording all the collected documents they have for better access. There are not only records from general Prescott history, like pamphlets from old museums or news, but the librarians have also saved clippings about the library itself throughout the years. I will help them with this project by digitizing the documents and recording details to better find and understand them. This process will help me learn more about the ways libraries preserve history and the importance of remembering our past.

    My Posts:

  • Continuing on the Story

    Snow day! Because of the weather on Friday, I wasn't able to go into the library. So, for those hours I continued reading the book Creating a Local History Archive At Your Public Library and learned about the process that libraries should take when acquiring and processing their new materials or donations. Libraries first have... Read More

  • Traveling through Time

    Did you know that the original Prescott Public Library wasn't in the same building it was now, but instead the old Carnegie building located on Gurley Street? Or that a bird sound effects artist from Disney once came to Prescott and attended a benefit for the library? (I especially found that last one interesting, as... Read More

  • Flipping the Pages

    Another week, another blog post! This week was very similar to the last, as I mainly continued working on the vertical files and uploading them to the computer. But, on Friday, I was able to start on another project. This year is the Prescott Library's 50th anniversary, so to celebrate the staff are trying to... Read More

  • Delving into the Past

    I am so excited to have finished my first official week of the senior project and to share it with everyone! This week, I started doing the project that I will be mainly working on at the Prescott Public Library. I began taking the vertical files the library have stored in a storage cabinet, scanning... Read More

  • Opening the First Chapter

    Hello, my name is Skylar C., and for the last trimester of my senior year I am going to be interning at the Prescott Public Library for my project. For as long as I can remember, I have loved to visit the library and often walked out the doors with a large stack of books... Read More