Week 5: LEED Certification System

Selene R -

Hi Everyone! 

This Week, I have some super exciting updates about my project, and what’s to come. In order to test my learnings of sustainable architecture I will be doing a building walk through on my own!

As for the building I will be doing my walkthrough on, unfortunately It won’t be able to be a healthcare building since It would be difficult to get the special permissions I need for it. Instead the building I will be doing I have more access to and I’m more familiar with, but I still will keep it anonymous. I will still continue to learn more about specific healthcare architecture along with my project because it helps give me an idea of what to look for. 

For my walkthrough I am going to create a checklist of factors to look for when looking for sustainable architecture. For my checklist I am going to look at things like LEED’s scorecards, to get some examples of what I can put on my checklist. The scorecards I am going to be looking at are for LEED BD+C (LEED for Building Design and Construction) and LEED ID+C (LEED for Interior Design and Construction). 

As I explained in my last Blog LEED is a rating system for a businesses sustainability, the system takes into account everything that I learned with the Triple Bottom Line Concept. Taking into account environment, social, and community benefits, and making sure that the business will also benefit from the sustainable design, LEED is a great scoring system businesses can use.

The version I looked at was LEED v4.1 whose framework is based on human comfort and health, social equity, and inclusivity. There are six rating systems in this version :Building Design and Construction, Interior Design and Construction, Operations and Maintenance, Residential, Cities and Communities, and Recertification. The two scorecards that I was looking at were LEED BD+C and LEED ID+C, because for my walkthrough these are the ones that I believe I will have an easier time identifying. LEEDs point system consists of 4 levels: Certified(40-49 points),Silver(50-59 points),Gold(60-79 points) ,and Platinum (80+ points); there are 110 available, but only 40 are required to get LEED certified. Here are the scorecard’s main topics and their points based on the building I will be looking at. In order to make my checklist I will be looking further into the subtopics.


LEED v4.1 ID+C Scorecard

  • Integrative Process (1)
  • Location and Transportation (18)
  • Water Efficiency (12)
  • Energy and Atmosphere (38)
  • Materials and Resources (13)
  • Indoor Environmental Qualities (17
  • Innovation (varies)
  • Regional Priority (4)

LEED v4.1 BD+C Scorecard

  • Integrative Process (1)
  • Location and Transportation (15)
  • Sustainable sites (12)
  • Water efficiency(12)
  • Energy and Atmosphere(31)
  • Materials and resources (13)
  • Indoor Environmental qualities (16)
  • Innovation (6)
  • Regional Priority (4)


As for an update on the software’s, I was able to get an older version of a SketchUp software, which I am so excited to begin familiarizing myself with, I attached a picture of what it looks like:


The other software worth learning about was Revit, which is too advanced for me to install at the moment, but I still looked at some of the tool sets it has. The software can be used for engineering and construction, but in my case I will eventually be using it for architectural design.

I should be able to share the checklist I came up with on the blog next week, and I can’t wait to be able to do a walkthrough on my own!

Thanks for reading! 🙂

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    I'm glad you will be able to do a walkthrough! It sounds exciting! Are you going to be able to look at all parts of the building? Like the basement or roof?
    The LEED scale sounds like an interesting approach to rate such models. Do you happen to know what most buildings now a days would be rated?

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