Week 2: Reading

Edie L -

This week’s post may not be that fun or interesting just yet. I have finished the online part of the training, but I still have to do an in-person training session. The training will happen next week on Tuesday. Since Monday was President’s Day, I could not meet with Professor Eaton until Wednesday and we were able to discuss what would happen next week. She gave me some reading materials to go through and one of them was a current lab procedure manual Embry Riddle uses for the lab we are going to design. We are going to improve on the procedure they already have. Another paper she gave me to read was another lab procedure manual that explained the lab. The lab that we will make will have elements of both labs that are easy to follow. Students will be analyzing materials in things such as Tylenol. Professor Eaton also sent me an online owner’s manual for one of the machines we are going to be using. If anyone is wondering which machine we are going to be using, it is an IRAffinity-1S Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer. We also found some helpful videos that explain how the machine works. My in-person training will begin next week; so for this week, I’m just reading labs and procedures. I am also watching videos on the lab and how to run the tests. The plan for next week is to get me trained in-person, and then start working in a lab setting. This week might not have been exciting, but it had some very fundamental steps that will help me as I work towards my goals.  Next week might be more interesting as I am excited to get started on working in the lab on Wednesday.

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    Hi Edie! Have you been able to talk to other Embry Riddle students about some of the labs they have been doing? Are they going to be testing this lab that you make too? Your project sounds really cool!
    Taylor Phelan
    I love your project, Edie! I was wondering what ideas you and Professor Eaton have to improve on the procedures Embry Riddle already has?
    Hi Zoey! I have not been able to talk to some students about their labs, but that does sound fun to hear! I'll ask some people about the kind of labs they do. I think we might get some people to test this lab, but it might depend on how long it takes to develop the lab. I hope you are having a great time as well!
    Hi Taylor! Thank you so much! Embry Riddle already has an FTIR lab, but we hope to improve it. There is another lab that we want to add that gets students to scan and make graphs. The only problem with that lab is that students know exactly what they are testing. Professor Eaton wants them to test an unknown sample to known samples to get them to compare and find out what the unknown sample is.
    Hi Edie! Your project is super exciting! Can you use FTIR spectroscopy to identify the materials in any substance, or are there certain criteria a substance has to meet in order for FTIR spectroscopy to work?
    Hi Edie! This is super cool! I am curious about what part of Tylenol you are looking at? Can't wait to see how it goes!
    Hi Edie, it sounds like you are still learning a lot despite how it's not very interesting. What was the most interesting lab you read about?
    Hi Maddie! you can use FTIR to look at many materials however I don't think you can use it for liquids. It is mostly for powders and solids you grind up.
    Hi Payton! I am looking at the entire pill of Tylenol. We realized it is hard to separate the wax coating from the powder, so we decided to leave it in. The scan would just show there was some wax detected.
    Hi Edward! I can't decide which lab was more interesting. One of the labs I read had topics I had not learned yet. So they were confusing at first.

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