INTRO: Brittle Bones
Hello! Welcome to my first blog post!
I’m Lena, a first-generation student, from BASIS Prescott currently working on a research survey on Osteoporosis. I plan to become a Nurse Practitioner and open my own practice in the future. My curiosity for Osteoporosis stems from my internship at AZ Neurosurgery and Spine. I have been interning at the clinic since June of 2023 and have been entrusted to send referrals for Osteoporosis patients.
You may ask what is Osteoporosis? It is when the bones become weak and brittle that even mild stresses such as bending over, or sneezing can cause life-threatening fractures. The condition affects elderly patients and there are no symptoms that come with the disease which in turn gives it its nickname the ‘silent-disease.’ Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone does not keep up with the loss of the old bone.
Is the disease curable? Unfortunately, the answer is no. There are treatments for the condition to maintain bone density and even bone growth but it comes with side effects.
My research survey will look at lifestyle factors that lead to the risk of decreasing bone density. Osteoporosis is most common in women and found to occur in areas like the cervical, lumbar, and wrists. The problem is that 80% of patients are not diagnosed with this condition and go untreated until a fracture happens. This is a threat to Prescott as the majority of the population are elderly adults. In addition, I hope I will be able to shadow providers to observe the treatment process for patients with the condition to deep dive into what elderly patients have to go through for bone growth and the social side of the medication process.