Flipping the Pages
Skylar C -
Another week, another blog post! This week was very similar to the last, as I mainly continued working on the vertical files and uploading them to the computer. But, on Friday, I was able to start on another project. This year is the Prescott Library’s 50th anniversary, so to celebrate the staff are trying to get together and organize memorabilia from its history. They have large binders full of newspaper clippings and other documents throughout the library’s past, and I started going through my first one and scanning the most relevant documents. It was fascinating, as these were the actual yellowing newspaper clippings and paper, not just copies. They were grateful for the help, as there is a lot of material to sift through in order to get ready. But, I am happy to do it and be a part of commemorating this historic institution.
While I have been working and uploading all of the documents these past two weeks, I sit right next to the Ask A Librarian Help Desk and am able to hear all of the interactions they have with patrons. There really is so much more that goes on in a library than you would initially realize. The staff have to constantly help with technological difficulties, book reservations for the various meeting rooms, and answer any questions about books or library cards. It really made me appreciate everything that they do and the service they are able to provide, as many people would not be able to have access to printers or other supplies without the library. Besides my internship, this week I read multiple articles at home about libraries and preservation. It really is amazing what libraries are able to do in order to preserve memories, such as the memory labs I read about in an article this week. Several libraries have little labs that allow their patrons to come in and convert their old, unusable media like VHS tapes or and digitize them so they can finally view the videos or pictures they haven’t seen in years. It is so much more personal, and I can’t even imagine how happy it would make me to be able to watch memories and people from my past that I once thought were unattainable.
Article Source
Bhatia, Julie. “At the Library, In the Lab, Saving History.” Mellon Foundation, 2024, www.mellon.org/article/at-the-library-in-the-lab-saving-history.
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