Week 5

Aanand M -

Hi everyone! I held my fourth driving session last week, where we had 2 of 4 kids show up (2 were absent due to sickness). Last week was most definitely a “turning point” (pun intended) for lots of kids, as they began realizing their independent ability to turn the steering wheel while driving. So far, seeing the growth of each kid while driving their car has been an amazing journey for me and each parent. For the families that couldn’t make it to our session last week, we have agreed to extend the study for an extra week to ensure that each child drives for 6 weeks.

Although I’m currently only observing and not collecting actual data again until Week 6, I am taking notes of each participant’s progress by the week. These notes will assist me in explaining a general timeline regarding when each participant made another step (e.g. pushing the button, learning to move backward and forward, turning the steering wheel, whether they are prompted to do so by their parent or know to do it on their own).

Currently, I’m also comparing the pros and cons of various analytical methods, and I will come to a conclusion regarding which one to use by the end of my data collection period.

I just completed Week 5 of data collection (which I will write about next week), and I will return to GiGi’s Playhouse next week to conclude this study for some, and have others’ second-to-last driving sessions!

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    Hi Aanand! This is a really cool project that I think can benefit many! I saw in your previous post that you plan on asking the parents some questions about their child's progress and their opinions on this process. I was curious about how you plan on connecting that data with your notes on the children's progress?
    Hi Aanand, I am also interested in how you will generalize observations of the kids. Great work!

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