Week 5: Data Analysis and Read It and Eat!

Kashish S -

Hello Everybody, hope you’re all well. For the last week, I have been working mainly on my AP Research Presentation. This is a 15 to 20 minute long presentation that sums up my research and my data. I’ve also been doing my data analysis, after my surveys from both the College Counseling classes and the AP Psychology electives. In total, I got around 80 responses, which is super exciting! 

To analyze the data, I am using a statistical analysis called a multiple linear regression test. According to Investopedia, “The goal of multiple linear regression is to model the linear relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables.” For my project, the independent variables are the scores generated from the Triandis and Gelfand Cultural Orientation Scale. To refresh, this scale yields four values: a horizontal individualism score, a horizontal collectivism score, a vertical individualism score, and a vertical collectivism score. These four values (the HI, HC, VI, and VC scores) will serve as the independent variables, since they are what is intentionally being changed in my project, as different people have different feelings and behaviors in regards to the individualism-collectivism complex. Thus, the dependent variable in my research project is the DASS-21 score. This score is generated by averaging the 21 questions a participant answers when they take this survey. Since I am examining psychological wellbeing in the focus of individualism and collectivism, the DASS-21 score is the one I am looking for changes in, making it the dependent variable for my statistical analysis. 

For the purpose of ease and clarity, I will be using a software to analyze my data with the multiple linear regression model. Hopefully, I will be able to see a correlation that is indicative of whether individualism or collectivism have a more significant correlation with a change in wellbeing. 

I also continued to go to my site placement, where I helped with this month’s Read It and Eat program. This month was about making nachos, and seeing how little kids worked with food was really eye-opening and it made me realize how individualistic identity and autonomy, like being able to cook, can be developed and reinforced in a community context, which also forms social bonds. 

Have a great week, and thank you for reading my blog!



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    Hi Kashish, sounds like you are getting the hang of analyzing your data statistically. I agree that food is a major cornerstone of many community connections. I'd love to hear more about the goals of Read It and Eat.
    Hi Ms. Bennett, so the goals of Read It and Eat are to basically promote independence and motor skills in younger kids. By having the kids themselves make small recipes like sandwiches or chips and guacamole, it teaches them to problem solve and work hard to make the food and when they do it alongside their peers, it helps them with their confidence and independence, and gives them a fun environment to learn motor skills!

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