Week 4


Hello Everyone! In this week’s post, I will be explaining more about my methods and how I have chosen and will be identifying the toxic behaviors in my movies. I hope this will help you guys understand more about my specific processes and when I discuss specific movies and their data. My methods are broken up into three main sections, my first scale, second scale, and qualitative observations and notes:

First scale: In this scale, I am collecting data on the prevalence of the 9 chosen toxic behaviors in the plots of the 15 chosen movies. The goal of this scale is to see the role that each behavior has on the plot of the movies/ the characters’ storylines and to study how this role has changed over the 30 year study period. Each of the nine behaviors has a scale from 0-5, and these 9 scales will be applied for each movie to get a number that represents the prevalence of each behavior in each of the 15 movies. For example, zero indicates no prevalence of the toxic behavior in the movie, and 5 indicates that the behavior is present majorly and is an integral aspect of the movie’s plot line. 

Second scale: In this scale, I am collecting data on the characters’ acknowledgment of the said toxic behaviors in the movies. The goal of this scale is to see if the characters are able to recognize and react to the toxic behaviors in their relationships within the movie, to help solve them, and/or transform them into healthier relationships. The scale will be applied to each behavior present in each movie. For example, if movie A displayed cheating, love bombing, and stalking, then this scale will be applied three times in this movie specifically to see the character’s capability in recognizing each toxic behavior within their relationship. 

Qualitative notes: Throughout the movies, I will be noting down qualitative themes and plot lines which provide more detail on the behavioral trends in these movies.

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