Week 3

Prerna K -

Hey everyone! I’m going to talk about some of my data collection so far. So my official survey has been sent out for a little while now and I’ve been receiving responses. Though my past post on methodology has covered some of my survey,  I will be going into more detail about my survey questions, while also sharing some common themes I have seen throughout responses and correlations towards the scale. My survey consists of 8 background questions, 6  scaled questions created by the Injury-Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport Scale, and lastly 5 yes or no questions that have an option to explain/elaborate. So far, there has been a good amount of variety in responses. However, a few similarities have been that within the question of “Did you ever consider if you were psychologically ready to return?”, most athletes had answered No. This responds to how in past studies that I had incorporated into my Literature Review claim that the psychological side to recovery needs more attention. Along with this, most athletes experienced fear of re-injury, regardless of the severity of the injury.

Before discussing some of the correlations between the background questions and the scale, here is what the scaled questions ask for.


  1. My overall confidence to play was (1-10)
  2. My confidence to play without pain was(1-10)
  3. My confidence to give 100% effort was(1-10)
  4. My confidence to not concentrate on the injury was(1-10)
  5. My confidence in the injured body part to handle the demands of the situation was(1-10)
  6. My confidence in my skill level/ability was(1-10)


Though it is too early to make claim that there is a definite distinction  between athletes readiness and different competition levels, I have been looking at correlations between the background questions and the scaled questions. A common trend I have seen  so far is that individuals with shorter recovery times had greater confidence in almost all aspects except for “confidence to play without pain”.  The highest scoring section as of now has been “My overall confidence to play was” but there isn’t a specific question that seems to have the lowest scores. One of the main things I have noticed so far is that injury severity hasn’t been a cause of much variety in the responses. Some individuals with vastly different injuries still had similar responses to the scale. Lastly, another apparent correlation is that individuals who have played their sport for a longer period of time had greater responses in their scaled questions. But though they had greater levels of confidence, they experienced greater fears of re-injury, which I am hoping to gain a greater understanding of in my interviews.

I will soon be beginning my interviews, and I am excited to share the results. My survey will still be open for a couple more weeks, and I am hoping to receive more responses!

Thank you!

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