Surveys and Scales

Priya V -

Hello everyone!

Today I’ll be discussing the methodology of my study: specifically, the tools that I’ll be using in my survey. I’m using a combination of three different surveys in order to measure emotional labor, burnout, and COVID-19 anxiety.

This paper uses an English translation of the Dutch Emotional Labor Scale (Briët et al., 2005), which was validated in a sample of 365 teachers and 334 nurses (Näring, 2007). Each of the four separate subscales was found to be overall reliable and each question was found to contribute to the validity of the scale. There are four components of emotional labor: surface acting (outwardly portraying these emotions, but making no effort to actually feel them – just faking a smile or other emotional reactions), deep acting (working to actually feel the emotions that are expected of them), emotional consonance (reactivity to the emotions of others), and suppression (actively inhibiting the expression or feeling of strong emotional reactions that are considered negative).

It also uses the Burnout Assessment Tool (Schaufeli et al., 2019), which was validated against the Maslach Burnout Inventory, which is an older and more widely-used burnout test in scientific literature (Schaufeli et al., 2020). The Burnout Assessment Tool was found to be reliable and valid in measuring burnout, and was also able to discriminate between burnout and other measures of workplace attitude, such as workaholism and depressive mood. There are four main factors of burnout: exhaustion (feelings of physical or psychological tiredness), mental distance (feeling removed emotionally and mentally from the work that one is doing), cognitive impairment (slowing or inhibition of thoughts and other mental processes), and emotional impairment (being unable to process or control emotions in a healthy way).

Finally, it uses a heavily edited version of the COVID-19 Anxiety Scale, which I have adjusted (Dantas Silva et al., 2022). Scale questions were edited and added, as I found that the original scale contained vague and leading questions that were not specific enough to the topic of inquiry for this study.

These scales have been combined into a single Google Forms survey that was sent out to healthcare providers at MHC Healthcare, which also included a consent form explaining how the data would be used and protections for their privacy.

– Priya <3



(Briët et al., 2005) – 

(Dantas Silva et al., 2022) – 

(Näring, 2007) – 

(Schaufeli et al., 2019) – 

(Schaufeli et al., 2020) –

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    Hi Priya, I find the Emotional Labor Scale to be fascinating! I'd like to hear more about how your site placement may be informing some of your research.
    Yajat Gupta
    Hi Priya, the surveys are so interesting, I can’t wait to see the results. This is a great way to look into the doctor burnout problem in detail.
    Thank you Ms. Bennett! I have that planned pretty soon; I plan to use my experiences at HonorHealth to compare the situations between nonprofit hospital systems and community health systems.
    Thank you Yajat; I'm looking forward to seeing what I can find in my data analysis!

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