S.E.T. In Instagram !

Koushita Gouri Reddy V -

Hello everyone!

I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of the senior project already! There’s still much to do before it’s done and in all honesty the project will never be done, at least anytime soon. Yes, I’m creating the curriculum but I realised the main goal, the long term goal of my project, is implementation. I’m not just making a curriculum for it to just sit around in my google docs but for it to be used.

The question would now be: how would something like this even be implemented?

For me, the first step is to create a platform. This platform would be used as the stage, sharing the information about the importance of sex education. After thinking about what the best platform would be I have decided on instagram. The prime audience, 15-25 year olds in India, are mostly on instagram, especially the ones who might be more open to the westernized teachings of sex education.

The flower, a purple iris, is the symbol for S.E.T. In. It is a representation of wisdom, knowledge, respect and passion. Each of these words represent the instagram as well as the project which aims to bring awareness to the importance of education and clear any misconceptions that India holds on purity when defining a person.

As Jeffrey Pfeffer stated “successful organizations understand the importance of implementation, not just strategy, and, moreover, recognize the crucial role of people in this process.” By having people who agree with the cause, and possibly changing people to agree, allows for a stronger voice which would be heard by the people higher up, the people who can make this implementation a reality. Additionally it’s not just about the people who agree, but the people who disagree, understanding why would allow for this curriculum to be an even better fit for Indian society.

Here is the link to the Instagram (I will attach some pictures below): https://www.instagram.com/s.e.t.in?igsh=OTR1bmdtMGkzcTh2&utm_source=qr

Thank you for reading!

  • Koushita

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    Hi Kou! It's super cool that you're taking concrete steps to implementing your education plans! What kind of plans do you have for the future?
    Jen Smetanick
    Great job in creating a social media platform to inform, influence and gather feedback for implementation. I agree that this is an essential next step in the S.E.T.In project. What is your plan to submit your curriculum to the decision makers at the education department?
    Hi Priya! Thank you so much! As for the future, I hope to continue to run the instagram page and post more and more about the importance of sex education. As the page grows and reaches more people, I plan to push for the S.E.T. In curriculum to be used.
    Hi Ms. Smetanick! Thank you so much! My plan for the curriculum to be implemented would start with talking to actual teachers who would be using the curriculum and get their in put on how the curriculum can be changed, edit and revise, and lasting reach out to the school board to implement the curriculum. I plan to talk to school boards rather than going to the government as I believe aiming to talk to specific schools would be a better starting step.

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