Promoting Cardiovascular Health Among American Indian Youth


Hi everyone! Welcome back to this week’s blog! In this week’s blog I will be giving you guys more information on Dr.Racette’s research that I am going to observe.

This study aims to assess the cardiovascular health of American Indian adolescents and one parent, focusing on carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) as a primary indicator of vascular health. CIMT, a non-invasive measurement of the carotid arteries, will be utilized alongside body composition analysis. This research holds significance due to the disproportionate prevalence of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors among American Indian communities compared to other ethnicities. The participants look for are American Indian youths aged 10-18 years and one accompanying parent. They are looking for a parent and child pair because they are also looking into genetic factors that may affect their health. The CIMT measurement will be conducted via non-invasive ultrasound on the neck, providing an estimation of vascular health. Additional assessments will involve dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and bioimpedance analysis (BIA) for body composition, as well as measurements of height, weight, waist and hip circumference, and blood pressure. Participants will also be asked to complete several surveys. Upon completion of physical assessments and surveys, both the youth and the accompanying parent will each receive a $50 gift card as a token of appreciation at the conclusion of the assessment visit.

My research is related to this because Dr.Racetteā€™s research needs background information on social determinants which is what my research will be providing. I will also get to go in and observe their research and meet the native american participants in person.

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    Hi Saahithi! Dr. Racette's research seems very interesting and I am excited to hear about what you find while observing her research and how your research on social determinants of health provide the foundation for her research.

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