Learning Through Folds

Dishita K -

Hello Everyone!

This week I am continuing to follow up with the independent behavioral health centers that I have requested to distribute my survey to. I have also sent a follow up email to Banner Scottsdale to request their staff as well. I have not received any new responses to my survey from the staff of Banner Thunderbird’s pediatric behavioral health department but am hoping I could get another few in the coming weeks.  

When I went in for my internship, there was a slight change in the routine this week. The teacher who conducts the group sessions I help out in was not able to come in so instead of a quiet activity and game that the kids can choose between like usually there was a different set up. All the kids tried origami by looking at instructions from a book. Some kids tried to make water bombs while some tried to make dogs and butterflies. While they were working on origami, they were also watching Wreck it Ralph 2 on the TV. It was fun to attempt origami with the kids though most of my attempts ended up as fails.

Thank you,

                Dishita Kolla

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    Brittany Holtzman
    Hi Dishita! Perhaps it would help to have your on-site advisor from Banner Thunderbird send a follow up email to the staff to complete their surveys and maybe even a follow up email to the other facilities to encourage them to participate. I just want to make sure that you get results to start analyzing soon. - Mrs. Holtzman
    Moksha Dalal
    Hi Dishita! Why do you feel the origami did not work?
    Hi Dishi! Can you explain how these activities are helpful for patients with behavioral health issues?

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