Intro Blog Post
Prerna K -
Hey! I’m Prerna Kumari and I’m a senior at BASIS Phoenix. My research is on the psychological side to injury recovery, and its contributions to an athletes psychological readiness to return back to sport(RTS) post injury. Podlog et al. in their study “Psychological readiness to return back to sport following injury” defines psychological readiness as “Psychological readiness to RTS after injury reflects an individual’s state of mental preparedness to resume sport-specific activities and likely comprises three dimensions, including cognitive appraisals (confidence, expectations, motivations, risk appraisals, internal or external pressures), affective components ( ..)”. Amongst the varying pressures high school athletes face, competition has been identified as dominant pressure. According to a study done by Warmath et al. in “ The role of Athlete Competitiveness in High School Sport Specialization in the United States’ ‘, specialization within sports has caused greater amounts of injury along with greater amounts of negative psychological responses in young athletes. Though competition has became a greater and demanding characteristic of high school athletes, the repercussions caused by this competition may result in more negative outcomes. The focus of this research is to analyze how the psychological readiness of an highschool athlete to RTS post injury differs between different levels of competition. I will be utilizing an altered version of the Injury Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport (I-PRRS) Scale, and surveying and interviewing various athletes within Arizona. For my site placement, I will be working with Dr. Steven Poon and Dr. Carter Jones from the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Primary Care Facility.
Thank you for reading!
-Prerna K 🙂
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