Gathering Surveys

Colin K -

Hi guys, welcome back to my blog. Throughout the past week I have been starting to gather survey results as well as starting a google sheets document to start recording the patient responses to my survey. So far I have around 30 surveys filled out so I have begun to fill in the responses. On Monday, I started to go into the office to start handing out surveys. Since there was only one doctor in the office on Monday, I was able to see and interview all of the patients myself, but on Tuesday and Wednesday I had to ask the work-up technicians to help pass out the surveys to all of the qualified patients in order to make sure I could get as many surveys back as possible. Also on Tuesday, I made the total number of surveys up to 100 that are able to be handed out with the consent forms.

Throughout the rest of the week I plan to continue gathering survey results with the help of the work-up techs and also get more of my survey data into my spreadsheet. I also might schedule another meeting with Dr. Welch in order to see how my work is coming along. One thing I am starting to get irritated with though is my computer and also my spreadsheet as I have to do 10 different steps to change one small thing after another every time I try to change anything about the layout of the document. I am hoping to figure out how to properly use this spreadsheet or it will begin to slow down the speed of my project when I get even more survey results.

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    Hi Colin! It's so amazing to see that you already have so many surveys filled out! I am interested in seeing the responses you will get!
    Hi Colin, I am so happy to hear that you are growing your sample size! Spreadsheets can be frustrating.....hang in there!
    Hey Colin! The progress you're making is so great! About how long were your surveys? (like amount of questions)
    Hi Rhea, my surveys have 12 questions for the patients to fill out as well as 2 pages on the back for me to fill out about some basic background of the patient and their visit.

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