Exploring the role of AI

Saahithi I -

Hi everyone! Welcome back to this week’s blog! In the past weeks I continued looking through and annotating past literature but also was able to go to the lab at ASU for the first time.


In my zoom meeting with Dr.Hogan this week, we discussed the past literature that read through and annotated. As well as came up with other topics to search for when looking at articles. One of the interesting articles I read on was Leveraging Data and Digital Health Technologies to Assess and Impact Social Determinants of Health (SDoH): a State-of-the-Art Literature Review. This article talks about how digital health technology and AI based tools can be used to assess non-clinical, social determinants of health (SDoH) for population health improvement. This article is insightful because while reading different articles on how to measure social determinants, I am trying to find gaps within the methodology as part of finding. This gave me a new dimension to add to my research.


Also, this week I went into the research lab at ASU downtown and got to meet Dr.Hogan and Dr.Racette in person for the first time. I got to tour one of the newest research facilities and see the different types of labs and equipment as well. My research project will be a small branch  of Dr.Racette’s and Dr.Hogan’s current research they are working on in ASU which is testing biomarkers in Native Americans. In my conversation with Dr.Racette, I got to learn more about the methods and also gain some background knowledge on the research. I got to learn a lot from this experience that can help me when doing research in college 

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    Hi Saahithi! Aware that there is a lack of access to healthcare in minority groups, I am very intrigued by how you are investigating the social determinants of health through AI based tools. What are some of the technologies and methods to address the social determinants of health have you come across so far through your research and through speaking with your mentors?
    Hi Saahithi, I am so excited to hear that you got to experience the ASU lab! I am also interested in any examples you have found about AI based tools for public health.

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