

Hey everyone, I just got back from a trip, however, I was able to plan the images people would need to draw for DallE analysis. DallE is essentially the most powerful image analyzing AI that we have access to today, and I will be using it as a part of my research to generate descriptions. I plan on asking people to draw a flower, since flowers populate almost the entire globe in many different shapes and forms. There could even be a color component as well. By the way, the following image is the UI that we have developed to analyze emotion from audio. We are still looking to debug some stuff to get it working within the next couple of weeks, however, we have the general code down.

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    Hi Saketh, DallE sounds like such a cool system. Your comment about flowers being all over the world, in different iterations, makes me think about how emotions, and their definition, may be very tied to culture. Do you anticipate the AI system being able to work through these cultural distinctions?

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