Assembly: The Global Statistics of Military Sexual Assault
Hello everyone! As I am finishing with collecting the most recent statistics available regarding military sexual assault, I will now present parts of the process and data from my research.
Firstly, as I looked for statistics, I searched for 2023 reports specifically as a means of getting the most recent data available for the countries. As of now, the documents that I found all pertain to the years close to 2020 and are relevant to the current time, so we’re looking at a time range of 2018 to 2023. When finding the rates, I included military sexual assault and harassment together into my data as they are closely related to each other as military sexual trauma. Also, for countries I couldn’t directly find rates for, I found their total military personnel number for that year to develop a rate with the number of reports from that country.
In the case of the countries, the western countries’ military sexual assault rates have been primarily accessible through official reports and studies. The main issue I have run into is with the eastern countries. The data I could acquire for these countries is either unaccessible or limited in information about the topic. For this reason, I am still in my pursuit to gather data for the eastern countries and ideally have an even number with the western countries. However, if these statistics cannot be found, I plan to use that aspect to show a particular view that these countries and cultures have towards the issue of military sexual assault, so data can still be taken from the lack of reported rates.
My next course of action is to examine the various factors that play a role in the incidence and prevalence of military sexual assault and find trends among the data which will be focused on in my next post.
Thanks for reading, and see you next week!
– Srimayi
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