Tons of Project Meetings
Colin K -
Hi everyone, welcome back to the blog. Throughout this last week I have been meeting up with all of my supervisors to discuss how my project is going. I have a few more meetings the rest of the week. Yesterday (Tuesday), I managed to get double the surveys I normally get! While part of it is due to opening up the surveys to all injections most of the surveys were still for WAMD. I also had a senior project group meeting with Ms. Bennett yesterday. After talking about how my project is progressing pretty smoothly we agreed that my final product, other than the presentation at the end of the research, will be a research paper as it fits the best to the kind of research I am doing and want to do in the future. This afternoon I will meet with Dr. Kirk, who is another doctor helping me with my project other than Dr. Welch, and we will have a zoom call with someone at U of A to help us with the statistics aspect project. With this meeting I think I can probably narrow down what I am actually able to answer with the surveys I have gathered so far and start truly making the connections between certain data points.
Over the past week since I have finally had multiple full days available to gather surveys, I managed to find how I should truly phrase my questions to make it easier for all the patients to understand what I am asking without having to go deeper into the exact wording. I found by phrasing the questions in a simpler format rather than reading exactly what is on the paper as well as giving a follow up example about a type of answer I can have the patients give quick answers without them having to think a lot about what the questions mean.
Thanks to everyone who continues to read my blog and see you guys next week!
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