February 12, 2024: Revving Up: My First Day at Classic Promenade


Hello, I am Bella O’Rourke, and ever since I began watching Formula 1, I have wanted to learn as much as I can about the racing industry and cars in general. Because the racing documentary series Drive to Survive wasn’t enough for me, I decided I would need in person experience to gain a deeper understanding of really cool cars. Today was my first day interning at Classic Promenade. Harry, the owner, buys, restores, and sells classic cars for car lovers all around the world as he showed me a newly restored Rolls-Royce being sent to Portugal. When I walked inside for the first time, I was amazed by the variety of cars that lined the walls of the building. I was introduced to Santos and James, the mechanics, who were busy at work but expressed their desire to teach me all they know.

Despite my extreme lack of knowledge about cars, I plan on taking A Beginners Guide To Automotive Repair online to introduce myself to the world of cars, fueled by my passion for racing. As a young girl entering the field of engineering, I would also like to interview women in the car industry, such as mechanics, about their experiences within the male dominated world of cars and automotive racing, as part of my final product. After speaking with Harry about my engineering interests and goals within automotive racing, I am eager to learn all they have to teach me and to spend more time with their golden-doodle Bentley who stuck by my side all day.



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    Would you ever consider becoming a racer?
    David Kirschner
    Good morning Bella, I love the passion you have for learning the world of cars and engineering. I have some names you may wish to use in research: Sarah Fisher, Lyn St. James, Danica Patrick, Katherine Legge, Simona de Silvestro, Ana Beatriz, Milka Duno, and Pippa Mann. All nice people I have enjoyed meeting Lyn St. James has a book you might read to get some insights. I learned last week that Purdue University in Indiana has an engineering program that is geared toward motor sports that's advertised in my 500 program. Neil Armstrong attended here. Please see the series 100 Days to Indy from last year, and soon to air this year as well. It's a lot like the F1 series you watched. I look forward to seeing how you are doing. Let me know how I can help. Do you have a time that works best for you to meet? Monday is out. Afternoons are all busy Monday through Friday. I think 9:00 or 10:00 times work best. All the best to you! :) Mr. Kirschner
    Cool seeing another person having their senior project revolving around cars. Are you going to be working on the cars or more directed towards observing? One of my favorite racers is Lia Block because she is involved in multiple different motorsports, and has been a major influence as of the past 2 years or so. There is a group sponsored by F1 called the F1academy who focus on women and their paths in motorsports, could be useful to look into.
    Interning at Classic Promenade sounds like a pretty incredible experience. Did you find any personal favorites out of all the vintage cars you saw?
    No, I'm not really interested in being an actual racer. It is very cool to watch though.
    Thank you Mr. Kirschner for these names. The owner of where I am interning knows Lyn St. James and is willing to introduce us. I have also applied to Purdue University because of their engineering program and relations to motorsport. Thank you for the recommendation, I have started watching the 100 Days to Indy series!
    The majority of my internship is shadowing the owner and observing, but I will be working on the cars in a few weeks hopefully. Yes, I have heard of Lia Block and F1 Academy and I will look more into them because of the importance of the presence of women within the sport.
    Of the cars I have seen so far I like a few of the classic 1960s Rolls-Royce i've seen in the showroom.
    Bella, I would love to see any and all of these cars, or even the site. This is going to be a fabulous ride! MG
    Kasey Ray
    Bella, I know you're just getting into this, but have you done any repairs yourself on any of your family's cars?

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