2/12/24: Letting art shine in a STEM world


My name is Valeria and I am looking forward to documenting my project through this blog.

I knew I wanted my Senior Project to be related to the arts because I feel as though most of my time at BASIS has been occupied by memorizing formulas and solving math problems. While my favorite subject has long been math, and I plan on choosing a STEM related major in college, I am ensuring that art will continue to play a large role in my life because of the humanity and emotion it conveys unlike any science subject. Ideally this will manifest itself through a double major or minor related to language, music, or art history.

I have heard of many instances of people being steered toward a STEM career path due to ‘the higher pay.’ I want to analyze these claims, discover why they exist, and question what they say about the social value of art.

Most recently, my visit to MoMA this past October also sparked wonder about the behind-the-scenes acquisition and preservation of art pieces at museums. Here is a description displayed at MoMA from poet Robin Coste Lewis that resonated with why I believe art (specifically photography here) is essential in my life.

I am beyond thrilled to begin my project tomorrow at the Phoenix Art Museum where I will use the archives to examine the public’s perception of the value of art. I’ll be sure to update as my week progresses!

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    Do you know anyone personally who reflects the views on art you talk about?
    The claim that STEM has higher pay is totally a common one, that a lot of people have regrettably used to choose their career... I am very interested to see what you find out!
    I do have some extended family members who have expressed this view to me, usually with good intentions though.
    Adam Engle
    Valeria, your S.P. idea will bring you great insight into how art changes the world, drives innovation and how it acts as a catalyst for the stem topics to become the "important topics" in the classroom. Art minds do all the work, stem minds get all the credit. I'm thrill to see you explore more into the art world!
    Valeria, One of the things I have always admired about you is your ability to transcend categories of study, or even limit your curiosity. The Phoenix Art Museum is a perfect place for you to embed yourself while wondering about the way the world values art, science, wildly divergent perspectives, empathy, success, and what and who "matters." Keep going.

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