Cashier training and timescales


First, some fun facts about the library, well only one fun fact. The not so fun fact is that the main branch of the Mesa Public Library is a grand lodge of the Freemasons; I’d add a picture but WordPress isn’t cooperating right now. The plaque is at the North-West corner of the building if you want to see it. For a fun fact, the library has a book-store and the prices are extremely low! Speaking of the bookstore, due to the level 2 background check coming back I can now man the register. And thus Thursday was spent mostly sitting at the register. Regarding the project, that of organising the science fiction and fantasy stacks, it was finished on Tuesday after re-arranging and double stacking a few shelves for more space. There’s not much space on the shelves for new donations, which is a real issue, but that bridge will be crossed once we come to it. Which will be when we figure out what to do with the other science fiction and fantasy section. Yes, that exists. The exact story of it I know not but from what I’ve gathered it was originally a place to collect science fiction and fantasy sets or more expensive books. Come time and changes in management it was forgotten and came to be yet another mess. When will this mess be handled, who knows. But it’ll require reshuffling both so probably after new carts come in so probably a week minimum.

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