4/1/2024: Lunch with Lyn
Last Thursday I spent time at a different location than my usual internship site. I went to Tom Mischke’s Restoration and Performance Shop. He is a friend of Harry’s, and he thought it would be useful for me to see different engineering applications at his shop. Everyone there was extremely friendly and they were eager to explain what was going on. The mechanics were working on a variety of cars including a Porsche 911, which I had the opportunity to ride in, with a broken fuel gage. Also, a Mercedes with a few problems like a broken door latch, and according to Tom’s son who test drove it, the car tended to vibrate if it went over 80mph which they assumed to be a problem with the tires. Tom and his mechanic plan on installing an engine into a Porsche and he said he would invite me back to the shop to learn something new, as I have never observed a process like that before.
Last Friday was eventful as well, as I went to lunch with Harry and former race car driver Lyn St. James at True Foods. Lyn briefly described her role in motorsport as being impactful for women, especially because of how she founded Women in Motorsports North America which aims at supporting female involvement at all levels of the sport. I informed her of my desire to pursue an engineering path in this field and she wished me luck as it is extremely competitive. One of the things she said really stood out to me was; “women feel they need to me invited while men just show up.” This concept was her motivation to begin the Women in Motorsports organization, to give women an invitation into the sport which I plan on engaging with to familiarize myself more with motorsport in general. I am extremely lucky to have spoken with Lyn, and I hope to meet more women like her.
Porsche and Mercedes at Tom’s restoration shop:
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