Week 3

Neha K -

Welcome to Week 3! This week, I want to go into more detail about the process we use to get members to sign up.

It all begins the moment they walk in the door. New clients will always have a form or two to fill out because they’ve never come here before. These forms cover the things that the massage therapist/esthetician will be doing during the service, but also ask questions about the client’s preferences and if they have any specific concerns that they want treated. As the client fills out the form, it is the spa associate’s job to make casual conversation with the client to learn more things about them (What’s their occupation? Are they here on vacation? Do they get massages/facials frequently? etc)

The information they learn during this first interaction is what we use when we pitch the membership to the client once they come out of their service. We would want to highlight the benefits of the membership that would be most applicable to them. 

Here are a list of some of the benefits of the membership:

  • If you sign up for the membership on the day of your service, the service that you just had at nonmember rate ($119.95) will get bumped down to member rate ($79.95)
  • If you don’t use a credit one month, it continues to rollover to the next month. Multiple credits can be used for more expensive services, and they never expire
  • You can transfer credits to others
  • A membership is valid at any of the 500 locations across the US
  • You earn points that you can redeem for a free service
  • You can buy retail (skincare products) at a 10% discount

Okay, so now let’s play a game. Think of the best way you can convince each client to join the membership.

Client 1: Has a super busy job causing them to travel a lot; Has a big family 

  • Tell them that even if they miss out one month because of their hectic schedule, their credits never expire. They can come back and treat themselves to an extra relaxing spa day and use up multiple credits. If they travel to a location that has a Hand and Stone, they can always use a credit for a service over there. Otherwise, if they are still too busy to come in anytime soon, they can transfer a credit to one of their family members to enjoy a service.

Client 2: Currently on vacation, normally lives in Philadelphia; Loves getting facials to maintain a good skincare regimen

  • Check to see if Philadelphia has Hand and Stone locations (it does!). Tell them that they can always sign up now and get a cheaper rate for their service today. Then, from now on, they can use their membership at the Hand and Stone location near them in Philadelphia. Since they love maintaining a skincare regimen, it helps that they get a discount on all skincare products, making it cheaper than in places like Ulta.

All it takes is a bit of listening and matching of benefits to clients!

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    Great scenarios Neha!! I have a quick question, do members have to pay for upgrades in a service or are upgrades included as a membership perk?
    O F
    Great Job Neha! This post was very detailed and clear. I can completely grasp the how memberships work and how they benefit the clients and in multiple ways. For example it is really nice that the client's credits never expire along with the fact they can use their credits in any location that has a Hand and Stone spa. You really explained all of the benefits clearly, and the scenarios really add clarity to the post.
    Hi Neha, this is a very detailed post! What percentage of clients (approximately) buy the membership over just a single service every once in a while?
    Hi Neha! This is very interesting! Do you ever find a client who is in a situation that Hand and Stone can't easily accommodate to? Do you think there is a policy Hand and Stone could change to increase customer satisfaction?
      Hi Eric! Fantastic question! I haven't yet encountered a situation like that yet. Since Hand and Stone has been a franchise for many years, they've been able to use all that experience to come up with solid options for any type of situation. Hand and Stone Corporate technically only allows you to transfer 4 credits a year to friends and family. However, that can cause some people who have a lot of accumulated credits (mostly because they were paying throughout Covid even when they couldn't come in) to be upset. Because of this, our specific location has removed that policy.
    How did you come up with the personalized approaches for each client to pitch the membership? Did you draw inspiration from previous experiences or research, or was it based on intuition and understanding of the clients' needs?
      Great question Sri! When you first join, you get a little bit of training from corporate. That helps get you into the proper mindset, but from there, it's learning from personal experience. You figure out what works best.

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