Week 1: Synaptic Circuitry, Deeeeep Learning, and Gradiently Dissenting into Machine Learning’s Impact in Healthcare: (2/14/2024)

Andrew Y -

Hello everyone!

First, thank you so much for following this blog! Let’s dive deeper (metaphorically and literally!) into what I’ve been up to the past week.

Last week, we looked into the trio that drives modern healthcare: Medical Imaging, Computer Science, and Computational Biology & Bioinformatics. While Medical Imaging and Computational Biology lead the charge in patient care, it’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence that turbocharge disease detection, making modern Medical Diagnosis swift and effective.

To understand Computer Science, we first need to grasp the concept of a neural network. Imagine it as a bunch of marshmallows mushed together by toothpicks. Now imagine if the marshmallows were connected by toothpicks that had cables within them like a network of interconnected nodes (or neurons) to work together and process information, recognize patterns, and make decisions.

One key concept within neural networks is gradient descent. Think about it like navigating a terrain to find the lowest point in a valley, where the valley represents the error or loss in the model’s predictions. By adjusting the parameters of the neural network in the direction that reduces this error, gradient descent helps the network learn and improve its performance.

Now, let’s zoom into deep learning, a subset of machine learning where neural networks with multiple layers (hence “deep”) are employed. These layers enable the network to learn increasingly abstract and complex features from the input data, allowing for more sophisticated tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and medical diagnosis.

In medical imaging, this technology changes how we diagnose patients compared to traditional methods. Take, for instance, the detection of tumors in medical scans. Neural networks can be trained on vast datasets of labeled images to recognize subtle patterns indicative of various conditions. Once trained, these networks can analyze new images rapidly and accurately, assisting radiologists in making diagnoses more efficiently and reliably.

For stable diffusion, neural networks and deep learning play a more complicated role with three different architectures, or designs. There is the variational autoencoder, which takes an image, compresses it down for the model to train it, and then decompresses the generated image; the text encoder, which takes a user input based on a prompt and turns it into something that the autoencoder can understand. Finally, there is the U-Net, which can be thought of as the “brain” or “boss” of the image-generating process (aka. diffusion). Stanford-University Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence gives an in-depth explanation of why this works, so be sure to check it out: https://hai.stanford.edu/news/could-stable-diffusion-solve-gap-medical-imaging-data.

For this week, I’ve uploaded some links by famous mathematician 3Blue1Brown and other famous novels, which give a more in-depth analysis of the fundamentals of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI and how they are being used in healthcare.

Also, I’ve started weekly articles and activities! Hopefully, you learn something from those.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Stay tuned for more updates!

Warmest Regards,
Andrew Yang

This gives a simple simulation of how neural networks work:
A Neural Network Playground

Youtube Links:
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@3blue1brown
Neural network Playlist: 3Blue1Brown goes into depth about the logistics and science behind Neural Networks, and why Machine Learning works the way it does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aircAruvnKk&list=PLZHQObOWTQDNU6R1_67000Dx_ZCJB-3pi

Weekly Articles –
The Little Book of Deep Learning by Fleuret (2023): https://fleuret.org/public/lbdl.pdf
ScientificAmerican.com: AI Special Report: The Rise of AI (June 2016): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S_7sVM6GdF57T8c5n-0w7Nys64Xbclq0/view?usp=sharing
TIME: The A to Z of Artificial Intelligence by Billy Perrigo (April 2023):

Weekly Updates Posted Here:
Progress Site: Google Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PJROf3cJFZIWSS3Im-ZTZ6LLiTnyMXeW?usp=sharing
This folder gives access to all the images taken during model training, report analysis, progress checks per week, results, and other information that will be useful in the next ten weeks.

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    Estella M
    Your post was fascinating to read! I have a question about the interactions between computers, artificial intelligence, and the medical field. To what extent are Computer Science and artificial intelligence currently being used in the medical field, and how new of a development is this?
      Hello Estrella! That's a really good question - especially when understanding how computer science and artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing the medical field. So, computer science itself uses deep learning (as I mentioned in the post) to analyze medical samples with hundreds of datasets, with each dataset containing from 100K to millions of images of different patient samples. Especially with the recent COVID-19 pandemic, computer science and AI have been crucial in developing tools for detecting the virus, tracking its spread, and predicting how it might affect different populations. For instance, AI algorithms have been trained to analyze chest X-rays and CT scans to help doctors diagnose COVID-19 more quickly and accurately. This application of AI in such a critical global health crisis is relatively new, showcasing the rapid advancements in this field and its vital role in tackling emerging health challenges.
    Manasa Nalla
    Hi! I had a question about how the traditional methods work in comparison to deep learning and stable diffusion. While I understand that deep learning and stable diffusion provide medical diagnoses much more effectively and reliably, what do traditional methods lack that the methods you talk about account for and improve on? Also, your topic is very interesting, and I can't wait to learn more about it!
      Hey Manasa! Traditional methods, like manual diagnosis or simpler algorithms, have their strengths, but they often lack the depth and adaptability that deep learning and stable diffusion offer. One key area where traditional methods fall short is handling complex data patterns. Deep learning achieves better results in recognizing intricate patterns within large datasets, allowing for more accurate and reliable diagnoses. Stable diffusion, on the other hand, enhances deep learning models' stability and generalization capabilities, further improving their performance. Stable diffusion helps generalize the datasets and be able to run more efficiently. Hope that answers your question! - Best, Andrew
    Hello Andrew, this was another very interesting post! I was wondering what challenges either you or other organizations have discovered when trying to utlize or merge AI and stable diffusion with already existing, perhaps more traditional, medical infrastructure?
      Hey Aiden, glad you found the post interesting! Implementing AI and stable diffusion into existing medical infrastructure does have its challenges, as you mentioned. One challenge that may arise is compatibility - ensuring that AI systems and stable diffusion techniques can integrate with current state-of-the-art (new) workflows and technologies without disrupting operations. Another challenge is data integration and standardization. Medical data has different various formats and systems, making it challenging to analyze it effectively. Ensuring interoperability and data standardization not only allows the model to run but also is crucial for the successful implementation of AI and stable diffusion solutions. Moreover, there is a bit of skepticism from healthcare professionals who are accustomed to traditional methods, as we see in current imaging centers. Since that it the case, it is essential to provide education and training to alleviate concerns and demonstrate the benefits of these advanced technologies in improving patient outcomes. That's a really good question! I'll definitely take that into account for next week. - Best, Andrew
    Hello Andrew, this project is really cool! Have you had a chance to investigate different types of U-Nets, like Attention etc.
    Kira J
    Hello! This sounds like a really cool project, and I'm excited to read more about it in the coming weeks! I had a question, you said that computer science and AI make modern medical diagnosis swift and effective, but what are the challenges that may make them ineffective?
      Hi Kira! I agree with you that Computer Science is still in its early works, so some problems may arise: compatibility, implementation in current disease detection analysis, etc. More specifically, there are three issues that I think might slow down AI's usage in healthcare: conflicting compatibility, data reliability, and adjustment of AI to the public. Regarding the first concern, making sure they work smoothly with the existing medical systems is crucial to implementing them in our current healthcare systems. If there is even a slight amount of incompatibility or error, wrong results may prove costly when identifying severe diseases in high-resource areas, like imaging centers or similar places. Another challenge is making sure the data they use is top-notch. If the data isn't good enough or has biases, it can mess up the diagnoses. Plus, not everyone accepts using AI for diagnosis. Some people worry about how accurate it is, given that the current technology that we use is still mainly done by manual diagnosis (doctor-patient treatment, medicine, appointments, family doctors, etc.) Hopefully, that answers your question! Let me know if you have any other questions! - Best, Andrew

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