Andrew Y's Senior Project Blog

Project Title: Computer aided diagnosis using image segmentation and stable diffusion for higher accuracy than ground zero and standard diagnosis.
BASIS Advisor: Natasha Proctor
Internship Location: ASU
Onsite Mentor: Jianming Liang

Project Abstract

Machine learning (ML) models interpret and diagnose medical images, specifically chest X-rays. They can detect respiratory diseases, locate abnormalities, and provide specific information through image segmentation. Different ML models use Image Classification, Object Detection, and Segmentation to identify chest diseases, with newer architectures such as CNNs and vision transformers producing precise and efficient models for medical diagnosis. The early 2010s used Neural Networks for image classification, but today, more complex CNN architectures such as Vision transformer models, data augmentation, unsupervised learning models, and transfer learning are used to effectively train models for medical diagnosis, particularly for CXRs (Chest X-rays). One specific type of ML model, is called Convolutional neural networks, or CNNs for short. In recent years, Top-performing models for examining NIH chest X-ray datasets include ResNet-101, VGG-16, VGG-19, and SqueezeNet, with an accuracy score ranging between 90.7% and 94.3%. A more state-of-the-art model, called a diffusion model, is used to learn a lot of detail and images through denoising and noising the image, allowing the model to evaluate the chest x-ray images pixel-by-pixel to predict the specific category (disease) it belongs to. What makes them interesting is its ability to provde a more complex understanding of Chest X-ray diseases with the generation of more realistic and RGB images. My method combines RoentGen model (stable diffusion model) and DenseNet-121 Classfiier model to diagnose atelectasis, cardiomegaly, consolidation, Edema, P. Effusion using RoentGen model feature extraction and Convolution Neural Network. This combination model is evaluated against vision autoencoder models, transfer learning models, and traditional diagnosis (radiologist interperations, clinical assessments, and labroartory tests (ground truth)) based on quantiative metrics and qualitaitve evaluation to identify specific features of diseases. With the help of CheXpert Validation Dataset, NIH Chest X-ray 14 dataset, and RoentGen chest x-ray datasets, I will be able to evaluate whether this model is significantly more effective than SOTA models and traditional diagnosis used today for future use in treating chest & cardiovascular diseases.

    My Posts:

  • Week 12: That’s All Folks! (+ Extra Information)

    Hello everyone, I hope y'all are doing well - especially those with AP Exams and other examinations coming up! Since this is the conclusion blog post, I believe giving a summary will be too much - so instead, I'll be putting these questions that y'all asked into bullet points: Enhancing Reliability: Stable diffusion techniques bolster... Read More

  • Week 11: Addressing Questions from last week:

    Hello everyone, This week, I've focused on getting my results compiled into other types of data, including bar graphs, line graphs, etc., which would make it easier to understand the analysis that we're looking into. While that's happening, I'll answer a couple of your questions. Question 1: Why is accuracy so high in blood but... Read More

  • Week 10.0: 2D Results: What do those mean?

    Hello everyone! Two weeks ago, I've shared results on what I got for 3D. This week , I've gotten results for the Medministv2 3D datasets using classification and segmentation results. Here is the graph below. Just in case y'all may have forgotten what any metric, terminology means from two weeks ago, here it is below:... Read More

  • Week 9.0: Results v2.0: Further Analysis and Addressing the Questions for this week:

    Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all are having a nice week. This week, my focus shifted towards training 3D images, which is more complex and requires 1 week to be able to get results (around next week). As of now, I will answer the questions that were a bit confusing from last week. Question... Read More

  • Week 8: Initial Results – Numbers – What do they really mean?

    Hello everyone, This week, I've gotten results for the Medministv2 3D datasets using classification and segmentation results. Here is the graph below.   Now, you may be wondering, what do any of these results mean, and how can I interpret it. Here's a descriptive glossary into one each of these terms mean from the results.... Read More

  • Week 7: Fine-tuning our knowledge about supercomputers

    Hello everyone! This week, I've trained with the ASU supercomputer and ran using ResNet50 for MedMNISTv2 2D (more specifically, PathMNISTv2 and ChestMNISTv2) for 5 experiments, which will have the results by this Friday. Since I'm still awaiting these results and understand that supercomputers many seem overwhelming to most, I'll answer the questions from Week 7... Read More

  • Week 6: Supercomputers: Computing Beyond Dimensions:

    Hello everyone! Welcome back to another series of blog posts about Machine Learning and its contributions. This week, I've experimented with using supercomputers from the Arizona State University Research Computing site, a place where hundreds to thousands of images/experiments based on thousands of GPUs are trained every day. Now, you might be wondering, what is... Read More

  • Week 5: Backpropagating, Generative AI models, etc.

    Hi everyone! Hope y'all are doing well! Last week, we dove into model training, which describes what and how a simple model is trained using a medical imaging dataset. Now that's out of the way, let's go back to learning more about ML before we go into deeper experiments: backpropagation, and Generative AI. Backpropagation: Getting... Read More

  • Week 4: Pretraining: March, MedMNISTv2, and everything in between

    Hi everyone! Hope you all have had a great start to the beginning of March! As March is usually the beginning of flowers blooming, for this experiment, it is the start of model training! To start, I'm excited to introduce you to MedMNISTv2, a groundbreaking development in the field of biomedical image analysis. MedMNISTv2 is... Read More

  • Week 3: Denoising the ambiguity: Recapping:

    Hi everyone! Thank you so much for following this blog recently. This week, I had a meeting with my project advisor and discussed current plans for the future trajectory of the project. However, I got sick and diverged my attention to doing a bit more reading on stable diffusion and deep learning models to prepare... Read More

  • Week 2: More than Art: Stable Diffusion in Healthcare: (2/21/2024)

    Hey everyone, welcome back! Thanks for sticking around for another round of AI and healthcare exploration. Last time, we dove into Deep Learning and its marriage with Computer Science in the medical world. We got down and dirty with inputs and outputs, seeing how models transform big, complex images into neat little packages. But here's... Read More

  • Week 1: Synaptic Circuitry, Deeeeep Learning, and Gradiently Dissenting into Machine Learning’s Impact in Healthcare: (2/14/2024)

    Hello everyone! First, thank you so much for following this blog! Let’s dive deeper (metaphorically and literally!) into what I’ve been up to the past week. Last week, we looked into the trio that drives modern healthcare: Medical Imaging, Computer Science, and Computational Biology & Bioinformatics. While Medical Imaging and Computational Biology lead the charge... Read More

  • From Pixels to Protons: A Bioinformatics Odyssey Begins!: (2/11/2024)

    2/11/2024: Pixels, Introductions, and Everything in Between: Have you seen the movie "Pixels" (2015)? If so, great! If not, it's a fantastic, dystopian film that imagines what would happen if video game pixels invaded Earth. Now, picture those pixels as part of an innovative Artificial Intelligence movement that could revolutionize healthcare. Sounds like a fantasy,... Read More