Week 8: Goodbye Amazon!
Unfortunately I was not able to be on site this week, which means I missed the last of the Amazon project. I heard all went well though! I was excited to see how they packaged the machinery for shipping, and I was curious how they would keep these large pieces safe. I know they put them in crates, but I’ve never actually seen anything shipped in a crate, so I wanted to see the whole process of putting everything in crates, sealing the crates, and moving them into trucks. Instead, I worked at home this week. I mostly researched more on Fusion360. I tried to focus on creating bends that can translate to the real world, with different metals and methods. While you can easily make a bend in Fusion360, it is a little harder to ensure that they can be manufactured, and that the dimensions will all stay accurate during manufacturing. This can vary based on the material being manipulated as well. After that, I tried to learn about joints and assembling different parts, but I will definitely need more time before I can say that I understand and can use them efficiently. Joints can be joined in so many different ways and surfaces so it felt a little convoluted.
I also tried to learn about the automate feature, but I was definitely a little in over my head. The automate feature tries to assemble parts automatically, but to me it seemed like just doing it yourself works much better, although I will chalk that up to my inexperience with it. Next week I’ll be assembling some control panels, similarly to what I did at the very start of my project. I am excited to see how much I improved, and if I can be faster this time. See you all then!
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