Week 1: Research Days


Hi Everyone!

Welcome back, my first week of my senior project consisted of a lot of research. This week I focused on researching Sustainable Architecture and The Triple Bottom Line more thoroughly, I am working on reading two books thus far: The Triple Bottom Line by Andrew Savitz, and Sustainable Healthcare Architecture by Robin Guenther, and Gail Vittori

Since I decided to specifically focus on a healthcare business for my project, Reading Sustainable Healthcare Architecture allowed me to make a further connection between the concept of The Triple Bottom Line and the important things that factor into making sustainable healthcare architecture. For example: In The Triple Bottom Line, to achieve sustainability, the Three P’s : “People”, “Profit” and “Planet” must be considered. The example I identified dealt with the “People” part, in the case of sustainable healthcare architecture, the design must satisfy the patients’ needs.

I was also able to look into the importance of Sustainable Healthcare Architecture, and the general idea I picked up is that: Healthcare is a field that is constantly evolving, with constant new technologies and new medicines.  This makes the requirements for healthcare buildings consistently increasing. This means that Healthcare buildings will not last a long time, not because of the physical building, but the requirements. Often healthcare buildings cannot keep up with the changes and have to be demoted from acute care buildings. To find somewhat of a solution, there is the term “Life Cycle Thinking.” This means to make a healthcare building sustainable, we would have to look at it over its lifespan, from its creation to its deterioration.

There are so many factors I haven’t considered that play a part in sustainability and I cannot wait to read more about sustainable healthcare architecture.

For the next few weeks, my project will be mainly research. I am preparing myself for when I find the healthcare business I will visit. Since there are few, I am still working on finding a sustainable healthcare business. I look forward to learning more about sustainable healthcare architecture, and how it relates to the Triple Bottom Line.

Thanks for reading! 🙂

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