Week 1: The Flow



Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great week! My week was A LOT, so I am going to break it down into three parts. 


  • Part 1: SC Audit & Accounting Solutions (M, W,F) 
      1. Three days out of the week I get the opportunity to learn a little more about the tax system. This week, I took the steps towards becoming proficient at tax processing. It is very interesting being part of a complicated assembly line. I get to see all sorts of forms, numbers, and individuals.
  • Part 2: AZ Oncology Internship ​​(T & TH mornings)
    1. I get to shadow the head of operations at AZ Oncology, Malinda, along with the clinical and nursing directors. On Thursday, I got to sit in on a breast cancer administrative meeting. My favorite part of this experience is that I get to compare an independent medical facility that has been established for around 20 years to AZ Neurosurgery & Spine, which has only been established for 3 years. There are some noticeable differences. Malinda puts major importance on the FLOW of all her different operations, and while it takes a lot of effort, it truly increases their efficiency. Overall, it gives me a better idea of what it takes to be a successful Medical Administrator (which is my desired field).


“I am a JILL of all trades and a master of none”


  • Part 3: AZ Neurosurgery & Spine (T & TH afternoons)
    1. This is one of my more exciting jobs because I am slowly entering a specialty position. I am the only employee that manages billing and insurance issues along with tax preparation and bookkeeping. This is a super unique job experience and I enjoy learning all I can in this position. Also, the clinic is a great opportunity to observe different systems being put to the test. I have learned a lot about all the work that is required to make these services successful. 


As I continue on my journey, I am hoping to shadow the head of operations at the Tri-City Surgery Center and start interviewing local business owners. 


I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! Thank you for reading!

My coworker and I at the CPA office.
In the background, you can see what incentivizes me to keep coming back…. the table full of snacks.

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    Taylor Phelan
    Hi, Gianna! It sounds like you had a lucrative week for your project. You mentioned finding differences between newer vs. older companies, so could you elaborate a little on what your findings were? Thanks!
    Hey Gianna! That is an amazing opportunity to be able to shadow the head of operations! How does Malinda improve the flow of the company to then increase the efficiency of the business?
    Hi Gianna! I’m already so impressed by your project and all of your amazing internships. While you are interning at AZ Oncology, will you be looking into the tax system of the clinic or are taxes a separate field from medical administration?
    Hi Taylor! Yes, of course. In my experience, younger, or newer, businesses have the tendency to be understaffed and have yet to develop efficient systems. For example, at AZ Oncology they have 10-15 administrators dedicated to scheduling patients and the clinic has on average 3. Also, AZ Oncology has an injection facility, research lab, pharmacy, and people to help you with your finances all on site which can really increase efficiency! While, on average, AZ Oncology does have more patients, they definitely have a higher staff to patient ratio and more resources than our clinic does.
    Hi Zoey! That is a great question! An example I can give you, is recently Malinda has just brought on a whole new breast surgery team, and in order to get them familiar with their facilities "flow" or to answer any questions they might have she has weekly meetings with them. A big part of these meetings are to find areas that need to be strengthened, for instance, the MAs were struggling to keep up with all the phone calls and charts so they requested that Malinda take on another "floater" MA to help them out during procedure days. As the weeks progress, their efficiency strengthens.
    Hi Maddie! I am super excited for all these opportunities! Malinda does work directly with taxes, so when I officially interview her I will be picking her brain about that topic!

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