Selene R's Senior Project Blog

Project Title: The Three Bottom Line Concept applied to Sustainable Architecture
BASIS Advisor: Miles Hansen
Internship Location: University of Arizona
Onsite Mentor: Dr. Sandra Bernal Cordova

Project Abstract

The environmental state of the world is a crisis we continue to endure on a daily basis. In general, there are multiple efforts being made to find ways to coexist with nature. When speaking on sustainability, all heads turn to companies and businesses. One of the many ways businesses have been trying to achieve sustainability is through the architectural structure of their buildings. Ideally making business buildings sustainable would tremendously aid the environment; however not all are able to incorporate sustainability.  Why is that? The word “sustainability” is often stigmatized as focusing solely on the planet. This mindset is often carried by many business owners when intending to turn their companies “sustainable”. Most businesses will prioritize profit over all else which often leaves sustainability neglected.  My research is based on the measures that should be taken in architectural design to equally guarantee profit and sustainability.  A concept which defines sustainability as more than the environmental factor and ensures a holistic perspective for each businesses sustainable needs would be the Triple Bottom Line Concept. By giving the business a definition of sustainability that focuses on the “Planet”, the “Profit” and the “People”, it allows accountability to be easily taken regarding the environment without having to sacrifice profit.  I will use the Triple Bottom Line Concept, to create a model of what a business might create when making a sustainable architectural design.

    My Posts:

  • Week 9: Walkthrough Update

    Hi Everyone! Recently I was able to walkthrough the building and here is what I have gathered so far on my checklist: Water Access: There are five water fountains in the building, and one on the outside, two of them have a water bottle refilling option. Which in the case of sustainability is good because... Read More

  • Week 8: Sketch Up Progress

    Hi Everyone! This week I have an update on the floor plans and building of the cafe I mentioned in the previous blog. Here is a rough sketch of the layout of the first floor of my imaginary cafe. I put it next to how it looks from a bird's eye view in Sketch Up.... Read More

  • Week 7: Floor Plans!

    Hi Everyone! This Week I focused more on how to use Sketchup and creating things. Originally I started by just messing around with the tools, to get a sense of how to use the program, but after a lot of videos and learning more about the program, I realize it might be easier to learn... Read More

  • Week 6: PHIUS Requirements

    Hi Everyone! Since Last Week I learned a bit of what LEEDS’ requirements are, this week I am going to share a bit of what I learned about PHIUS Requirements. Just as a quick reminder of what I talked about in a previous blog, Phius stands for Passive House Institute US, and it is a... Read More

  • Week 5: LEED Certification System

    Hi Everyone!  This Week, I have some super exciting updates about my project, and what's to come. In order to test my learnings of sustainable architecture I will be doing a building walk through on my own! As for the building I will be doing my walkthrough on, unfortunately It won’t be able to be... Read More

  • Spring Break

    Hi Everyone! Since it is Spring Break I will be taking it off, and will resume next week. Have a great week! Thanks! 🙂       Read More

  • Week 4: PHIUS and LEED

    Hi Everyone! Welcome back, This Week I focused more on requirements a building can meet in order to be sustainable. Here are some interesting things I was able to learn: First off, I learned about certain organizations that are involved with sustainable architecture. One is the Passive house institute US (PHIUS) which measures a buildings... Read More

  • Week 3: First Site Visits!

    Hi Everyone! This week was quite an exciting week. I took a short break from just book research and did some site visits! I was able to meet with my onsite advisors in Tucson, and we went around The University of Arizona (U of A) and looked at some of their Sustainable Architecture!  One of... Read More

  • Week 2: Hershey’s and Sustainability

    Hi Everyone! This Week I am happy to announce that I have finished one of the books: The Triple Bottom Line by Andrew Savitz! To summarize what I read, the book did a good job using the Hershey Company as an example, so I will do my best to briefly summarize using the same example.... Read More

  • Week 1: Research Days

    Hi Everyone! Welcome back, my first week of my senior project consisted of a lot of research. This week I focused on researching Sustainable Architecture and The Triple Bottom Line more thoroughly, I am working on reading two books thus far: The Triple Bottom Line by Andrew Savitz, and Sustainable Healthcare Architecture by Robin Guenther,... Read More

  • INTRO: The Beginning

    Hey everyone! My name is Selene. I'm currently in my Senior year at BASIS Prescott. During my free time, I love to crochet, get my nails done, and journal. I enjoy taking walks around my neighborhood, grabbing matcha with my friends, and traveling with my family. Recently architecture has piqued my interest especially as I've... Read More