Unexpected Connections


Hello Everyone!

This week when I went in for my internship I helped the children make bracelets again. A lot of the children made bracelets for their family members or friends, a few made them with their names. One of them children made a bracelet that ended up being too small so they repurposed it as a charm for their sister’s backpack. We also played UNO Attack in which the cards shoot out a machine instead of the player picking them up from the deck. I learned how to shuffle from one of the children there though I’m still not very good at it.

Recently, a few articles I read illustrated a different perspective regarding behavioral health issues and their relation to family therapy. The articles that I read specifically talked about conduct disorder and parent involvement in therapy. They state that one of the primary reasons for children developing conduct disorder is the state of their parent’s mental health. According to Cluxton-Keller, Riley, Noazin, and Umoren, “Poor parental mental health is a major contributor to dysfunctional parent–child interaction, which significantly contributes to the onset of both internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems in children”. Essentially meaning that factors such as depression or anxiety ,that might be taking a toll on parent’s mental health, can have low or deficient effects in the children’s lives thus causing these children to develop behavioral health issues such as conduct disorder. Therefore family therapy is necessary because these issues stem from not an individual perspective but rather from a family system and need to be addressed in such a manner as well (Cluxton-Keller, Riley, Noazin, and Umoren). Another research suggests similarly that, “when family relationships are appropriately mobilized, they are identified as potent therapeutic agents for reducing unwanted behaviors” (Bourion-Bédès, Bisch and Baumann). 


Thank you,

   Dishita Kolla

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    Brittany Holtzman
    Hi Dishita! A big part of treatment can be identifying what the causes of a person's disorder are. I like how you brought up the parent's mental health as an environmental cause of conduct disorder in children. What do you mean exactly by parent's mental health issues may have "low or deficient effects in the children’s lives?" - Mrs. Holtzman
    Dishita Kolla
    Hi Mrs. Holtzman, the wording is a little confusing but essentially I meant negative impact.

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