That’s a wrap!

Ayushi Y -

Hello Everyone!

This is my concluding blog post for my project. Thank you all so much for keeping up with my blog posts and supporting my research! I’m just going to give a brief summary of my findings before signing off. The Dark Knight and American Psycho illustrate how the audience can diagnose these characters on their own causing incorrect connections between that character and a mental illness. When looking online, the Joker in The Dark Knight was diagnosed differently about 5 times and Patrick Bateman in American Psycho was diagnosed differently 6 times. Allowing viewers to connect such violent characters with a multitude of disorders causes the audience to perceive those with these disorders as aggressive because they create the connection after watching the movie. The Roommate and Girl, Interrupted are examples of movies that exaggerate already existing symptoms of disorders. In these movies, the characters were diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder respectively. Susanna in Girl, Interrupted, has every single symptom of BPD that existed in the DSM for that time period which is not the case for any disorder most of the time. This may make people believe that everyone who has such a disorder is inclined to have violent tendencies even though that is only ONE of the many symptoms that that disorder has. These films helped me illustrate my claim that portrayals of psychopaths lead to the stigmatization of mental health. 

I will give more details about more of the movies that I watched in my final presentation. My presentation is on Friday, May 10th at 1:25 pm and I would appreciate it if you could attend. Finally, to close off my blog, I would like to thank my faculty mentor, Ms. Ungar, my off-site advisor, Dr. Katherine Brazaitis, and my college counselors, Ms. Bennett and Ms. Rothschild for helping throughout my project and making sure that everything was a success. 

Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you at my presentation!
Ayushi Yadav

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