Pursuit: The Factors Within Military Sexual Assault

Srimayi L -

Hello everyone! I have researched about and acquired data on the global lens on military sexual assault as mentioned in my previous post. The countries I am looking at for western countries are the United States, France, Ireland, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Norway, and the eastern countries are India, South Korea, Israel, Taiwan, and Japan. As of now, I have made five countries the base for both groups since some countries’ data is outdated or not available but can still be utilized as a comparison.

For last week’s research, my focus was on the various components involved with the military that can affect the sexual assault rate within it to ultimately find a vulnerable population to this issue. The factors I am looking at currently are the age of enlistment, gender (if applicable), pay, voluntary vs. mandatory service, length of required service, the consciousness of the perpetrator, the resulting mental health effects (to be specified as they are categorized). If I discover any other commonly occurring subjects within my sources, I will add those as well. 

One note to keep in mind while looking at the data that I have collected for each country is what it consists of. As sexual assault by itself was not reported for several countries, I included sexual harrassment and rape rates into my data. Therefore, I am looking at military sexual trauma (MST) as a whole and in various aspects.

To place the information for these factors in an organized way, I have created a table with the countries to assess the data at hand. I plan on filling this table out this week to identify and evaluate any trends amongst the factors and rates.

In my next post, I will dive deeper into the specific factors of military sexual assault and how they are detailed for the countries I am researching.

Thanks for reading, and see you soon!

– Srimayi

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    Hi Srimayi, great work! I wanted to know what you mean by "consciousness of the perpetrator". This sounds like an interesting factor.
    Hi Ms. Bennett! Thank you for the support! The "consciousness of the perpetrator" signifies the mental state when they committed the crime. This often times means if they were intoxicated like being drunk when they did the offense.

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