
Anirudh G -

Welcome to my first senior project blog post. My name is Ani and some of my hobbies are coding, cooking, biking around the neighborhood and playing video games. In this post, I’ll go over the basics of my project, including some background information as well as some of the steps I plan on taking throughout it.

The rise of AI chatbots like ChatGPT in high school has raised questions about their impact on student learning and academic integrity. While prior research indicates widespread adoption of ChatGPT among high school students for academic support, concerns persist regarding potential negative effects on creativity and long-term academic development. Despite existing research, gaps remain regarding students’ motivations, usage patterns, and perceptions of ethicality. In this project, I aim to address these gaps by investigating the dynamics of high school students’ engagement with ChatGPT, providing insights to inform educational practices and policies in an increasingly AI-driven learning environment.

Project Steps And Goals:
The first step in my project is to collect data about high schooler’s ChatGPT usage. I will do this through a survey which I will send out to honor students in the NHS. After receiving the data, I will then analyze and compile the data into a graph or a table which can be used to look for any trends. I hope that with the results of this study, high schools can find more accommodating ways to help students use ChatGPT in an appropriate and ethical manner rather than limiting its use altogether. I believe that ChatGPT is a tool that if used correctly can be helpful to a students learning process and journey.

Thanks for reading,

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