Inputting Survey Results


Hi everyone, this week has felt a lot busier since I only worked one day last week but I still find doing all of this work enjoyable. With over a month of research being done, I feel like I have gotten into my own flow at work and am able to finish all of my work at a pretty quick pace. One thing I have learned I need to still work on a lot is being able to project my voice to the patients since lots of them have hearing problems due to their older age. This week I have been having the workup staff help me more with the patients who are hard of hearing since I can’t project my voice at all due to recovering from being sick still. In the past couple weeks I have gotten almost half of my surveys I made filled out so I am making good pace with them now. If I do end up on a time crunch I might hand out surveys at other offices in the valley to collect more patient data.


Throughout the rest of the week I will try to start interviewing the patients myself again instead of just inputting the patient data into my spreadsheet. Speaking of my spreadsheet I finally got the hang of it this week which has made putting the data into it so much easier! It used to take me around five minutes to input even one survey but now I can put about 3 into the system in 5 minutes. Also I know some people are taking next week off for spring break but I will still be working so you can expect me to make another post for next week.

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    Hello Colin, I see you are learning a lot through this project, not only about your topic but about yourself as well. Having clerical and interpersonal skills is something I would not have readily associated with studying retinal diseases. As the saying goes, you learn something new everyday. Keep up the good work. I am all eye for your next post.
    Thanks Madame Owanga, I hope to keep diving further into what I really enjoy about the eyes through this project like learning more about the diseases in the eye such as AMD!
    Hi Colin, I agree with Madame Owanga that learning soft skills, like communication and people skills, are so important as a professional. Also, Excel is ubiquitous in the world of work and research, so learning to navigate the program now will definitely help in your future studies and career. Do you have a specific number of patients you would like to see complete the survey?
    Hi Ms. Bennett, right now I have around 50 of the 100 surveys I made filled out. I would love to get all hundred or even more done but I think if I needed a minimum number I would want around 80 patient surveys.
    Hey Colin! Love the work you're doing and that you're enjoying it!. Quick question, how long before distributing surveys did you hand out the consent form?
    Hi Rhea, when I am handing out surveys I will read the patients the consent form before giving them the survey so that way they understand that answering the survey has absolutely no impact on their care or treatment it is just to collect more data.

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