Conclusion (Last week!)

Prerna K -

Hey everyone!

To end of my project, I would like to talk about some of the implications and further research concluded by my research.

Although my research did not conclude if athletes’ psychological readiness to return differed between different competition levels, there was a greater understanding towards behaviors within high school athletes recovery and return process. Fear of re-injury and combatting this fear was a prominent understanding created within this research, along with understanding the motivations regarding high school athletes’ return to sport post injury. 

Certain behaviors seen within my study present topics of interest for further research. These behaviors consist of the role of an athlete’s ego, their confidence to play, and pressures to succeed. Analyzing how competition levels could impact these behaviors alone, other aspects of an athlete’s career, or their athletic career as a whole would serve a greater purpose towards understanding and clearly defining the demands of different competition levels.

Secondly, the research question of “ Will an athlete’s psychological readiness to return back to sport differ if they wish to play on a collegiate level?” arised within my study. Some athletes expresseed how wanting to play for a collegiate level or higher competition level was a motivation for them to return back to their sport, while some felt forced to return back because of this. There were also athletes who played their sport as a hobby or pass time, which either made it easier for them to return or allowed them to leave their sport as a whole.

At this time, my AP Research presentation is completed and my paper has been submitted!

I would like to thank Ms.Anderson, Ms.Bennett, Dr.Poon and Dr.Jones for all their help and thank you all for keeping up with my research!

My presentation will be May 9th at 1:25 for those interested!

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