Blog Post #4
RQ: To what extent does a correlation exist between high schoolers’ likelihood of selecting ethically labeled food and their performance on a subsequent test on food sustainability practices?
The methodology involves an examination of high schoolers’ understanding and choices related to food sustainability through a mixed-methods approach. As aforementioned, food sustainability is operationally defined in this project using five ethical labels: Fairtrade, organic, certified B corporation, certified vegan, and certified humane. The first part of the survey contains eleven questions focused on general knowledge, while three are drawn from the Ethically Minded Consumer Behavior Scale, gauging the willingness of students to alter their consumption choices concerning detrimental agricultural practices. The second part presents students with five pairs of images. Each pair contrasts an image highlighting ethical labels with one representing greenwashed or misleading products. This aims to evaluate the high schoolers’ ability to discern between ethical choices and deceptive marketing practices.
The consent forms were sent out before spring break, but I haven’t been able to access them because I didn’t have access to WiFi in the past week. I’ll be collecting the forms on Tuesday and emailing Ms. Anderson today about it.
Currently I’m working on an initiative to plan a workshop at my on-site mentorship during the first week of April. Additionally, as per my mentor’s wish, I will be working on the implementation of a message that will be presented during the climate summit in April. The idea is for an individual (or partners) to propose mitigation of unethical practices or other sustainability topics that were previously discussed in an EJ workshop to present at the summit.
In regards to my statistical analysis: I think I will be using quantitative data analysis for my project.
Quantitative data: numerical values to represent measurable qualities.