Background Research
Colin K -
Hi everyone, welcome back to the blog! Throughout the past week I have been working more on gathering more background information about WAMD and the eye so I can better explain more about WAMD during my presentation so that more people are aware of its existence and the massive impact on people who have it. As research I have been reading the Basic and Clinical Science Course Section Version Twelve by the American Academy of Ophthalmology as well as going onto multiple websites of clinics to see how they would explain WAMD and the eye to their patients. I also researched more into what diseases are similar to WAMD in the eye. One disease is Macular Dystrophy which is commonly misdiagnosed as WAMD. This due to their similar ways of diagnosis with images being taken around the macula. Both of the images will show round blotches near the macula so they can be mistaken for one another. With this project starting to wrap up as I go into the final few weeks I plan to try and get a little more background research into the project so I can better describe WAMD and its impacts on vision.
On another point, I have finally got my Power Point up and running again. With it down I actually started to use a Word document to try and give some layout to what I wanted to put on my slides. With it running again I am planning to work more on actually making the slides fit onto the nine screen format that we have to present with for the final presentation.
That’s pretty much all I have from this week so see everyone next week!
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