Yajat G's Senior Project Blog

Project Title: Setting Up a Clinical Trial
BASIS Advisor: Dylan Crane
Internship Location: Advanced Podiatric Specialty
Onsite Mentor: Sohail Daulat

Project Abstract

Setting up clinical trials is a complicated process that requires lots of manpower and financial support. Implementing these clinical trials needs support from sponsors, which are limited and out of reach for smaller corporations looking to start their research. With this research I hope to streamline the process of setting up clinical trials for smaller corporations and nonprofits who generally tend to struggle. This leads to the question: “How are small corporations supposed to get the support necessary to set up a clinical trial?” The result that I hope to get is an effective method for a small nonprofit or corporation to set up multiple clinical trials in a timely manner, focusing on outreach, organization, and access to sponsors.

    My Posts:

  • Conclusion

    Hi everyone, This will be my very last blog post. This post will review everything I have done over the past few months and how much I have learned. So, when I first started this project, it wasn't exactly what I had expected. At first, the goal was to set up our clinical trial within... Read More

  • Wrapping Up

    During this last week, I have been working on my presentation and poster. I have been trying to finalize my poster and presentation, make it the best I can, and make it easy to follow as I go through and talk about my topic during my presentation. I have had many late nights getting these... Read More

  • Making Graphs

    Since my last post, I have done a lot of work, but my main focus has been my presentation and poster. To improve my data set, I have made many visual representations, such as graphs, tables, and flowcharts, to explain my data and methodology. I sorted my data from my spreadsheet by year, and this... Read More

  • Contradictions in the Field

    Hi everyone, Over the past week or so, I have been working on the project presentation and finding additional information to add to my literature review. After talking to my site placement advisor, I finally decided that doing a poster as my final product would be most beneficial for my complete understanding of the topic... Read More

  • Modern Needs

    Hi everyone, In this blog post, I will cover a little more about my literature review and some of the experiences I have had over the past few days regarding the project. On Thursday, I had the privilege to talk to a specialist in clinical trial organization, John Spanias. He gave me some insight into... Read More

  • FDA approval = Market success

    Hi everyone, Over the past week I have been working on my literature review and focusing on looking for the importance of diversity in clinical trials. I have been searching for quantitative data to directly compare two clinical trials, but many have too many other extraneous variables to effectively compare without the bias of trying... Read More

  • Paper Production and More

    Hi everyone, This week I have been continuing on the paper analysis and writing up a paper with my site mentor. We have started looking into the racial distribution on average in clinical trials and less than 20% of participants in spine disease clinical trials are part of a minority group so far. This links... Read More

  • Producing a Paper

    Hi everyone, Now that all the spreadsheets are done, the analyzing process is underway. The goal of the project has shifted and now instead of setting up clinical trials across the Phoenix area we are working on producing a paper based on the analyzed information. The topic of the paper is the underrepresentation of minorities... Read More

  • Spreadsheet Finale

    Hello Everyone, I am back after a short break, but I have been keeping up the work on the spreadsheet with only a few sections remaining. My project advisor had made a code to find the information off the website and filter through the clinical trials, and although it did help a little, many of... Read More

  • Spreadsheet Mania Part 2.

    Hey Everyone, Welcome Back. Over the last week, I have finally finished the first part of my spreadsheet. Now, I have the second part remaining. This part is slightly more complicated, but I know I can get it done quickly once I get the hang of it. I will answer some questions that were asked... Read More

  • Spreadsheet Mania

    Welcome Back! Over the past week, I have been continuing to do the same spreadsheet of 191 clinical trials and started to actually make a huge load of progress. I am almost halfway done, so I will most likely finish well before the deadline I was given of March 1st. I am excited to finally... Read More

  • Trial of the Fittest

    Hello Readers, As my research project begins, I have been working on looking up information virtually. I have been using clnicaltrials.gov and filing information from each clinical trial under the filters: Spine Disease, Adult and Older Adult, and United States. There are 191 clinical trials that I need to file information from onto a spreadsheet,... Read More