Colin K's Senior Project Blog

Project Title: The Impact of a Patient's Life on Their Compliance to the Treatment Plan
BASIS Advisor: Angelique Owanga
Internship Location: Associated Retina Consultants
Onsite Mentor: Dr. Matthew Welch

Project Abstract

How does a vitreoretinal patient’s comfort levels affect their willingness to follow their treatment plan? Can an eye doctor’s phrasing affect their mindset of their treatment? Does a patient’s living situation change their ability to follow their doctor’s instructions? Being able to help patients follow their treatment schedules in intravitreal injections and surgeries will better allow for their vision to recover post surgery. Due to the vast majority of patients being uncomfortable at least with their first injection, the information gathered in this project may be able to help doctors with creating stronger treatment plans based on their patient’s lifestyle. Using data gathered through previous patient visits, patient survey results, and the results of their treatment plans, I will try to find ways to motivate patients to comply with their treatment plan at home.

    My Posts:

  • Finished

    Hi guys this is my final blog post with just an overview of my journey with this project. I feel like it was over pretty quickly but I also feel like I was able to do a lot with this project even if it wasn’t anything like I imagined it would be when I first... Read More

  • Wrapping Up the Presentation

    Hi everyone, welcome back to the blog. This will be my final post about how my project is going since next week’s post is just going to be me describing the entire process and my thoughts about how the project has gone overall. So I finally got exhausted trying to use the online PowerPoint so... Read More

  • Background Research

    Hi everyone, welcome back to the blog! Throughout the past week I have been working more on gathering more background information about WAMD and the eye so I can better explain more about WAMD during my presentation so that more people are aware of its existence and the massive impact on people who have it.... Read More

  • Digging into Analysis

    Hi everyone, welcome back to the blog! This week has felt like it has blown by with all the work I have been doing trying to figure out PowerPoint and beginning to dig into all the data I have gathered for my project. The one answer I have found that is unanimous across all patients... Read More

  • Working on PowerPoint

    Hi everyone, welcome back! Throughout this past week I have started working on making my PowerPoint for my final presentation of my research. While I thought doing a PowerPoint would be easier than working more in Excel I haven’t used PowerPoint in years so I have no clue how to properly format anything on it.... Read More

  • Finalizing Survey Results

    Hi everyone, welcome back to the blog. Throughout this past week I have been meeting more with my advisors and we decided the end of this week should be when I stop collecting surveys for my own project and start analyzing and grouping my data. However I will still be working with ARC and Dr.... Read More

  • Tons of Project Meetings

    Hi everyone, welcome back to the blog. Throughout this last week I have been meeting up with all of my supervisors to discuss how my project is going. I have a few more meetings the rest of the week. Yesterday (Tuesday), I managed to get double the surveys I normally get! While part of it... Read More

  • Survey Expansions!!

    Hi everyone! I got some really exciting news yesterday and the IRB process for ARC has allowed us to expand the surveys to all injection patients, not just the ones for AMD! While I won’t be using the injection data in my own presentation as that is just on AMD, I am allowed to work... Read More

  • Inputting Survey Results

    Hi everyone, this week has felt a lot busier since I only worked one day last week but I still find doing all of this work enjoyable. With over a month of research being done, I feel like I have gotten into my own flow at work and am able to finish all of my... Read More

  • Senior Trip and Sick

    Hi everyone, this post is going to be shorter than normal due to the senior trip taking out the beginning of my week and being sick yesterday left me with only one day of work. While I didn't have a lot of time to work this week, I was still productive with filling in surveys... Read More

  • Gathering Surveys

    Hi guys, welcome back to my blog. Throughout the past week I have been starting to gather survey results as well as starting a google sheets document to start recording the patient responses to my survey. So far I have around 30 surveys filled out so I have begun to fill in the responses. On... Read More

  • Setting Up my Project

    Hi everyone, to those who have been leaving comments on my first post, thank you very much. It is very encouraging to see how many people are interested in learning more about the retina and AMD and how they tie into my project. Throughout this week I have been working on setting up my project... Read More

  • Introduction Post

    Hi, my name is Colin Kwong. I am a senior at BASIS Phoenix and my project is entitled “The Impact of a Patient's Life on Their Compliance to the Treatment Plan”. My interest in this topic was sparked about four years ago when I began to shadow my dad at his office.  During the process,... Read More