Chapter 9: Interesting day in the life

Sreevarenya J -

Good Morning Everyone!

This day that I went into Montessori  was very interesting because they told me that a classroom did not have their teacher today and because they were understaffed that day, nobody could take over supervising the afternoon work cycle.

So, this day I got supervise them as their “teacher”. From this I learned that keeping these kids on task and not chatting about something else is quite hard. I had about 7-8 kids that day and during their afternoon work cycle, they all get to choose something to work on.

It can whatever they want to do. For example, some kids were playing with legos, others were doing crafting, while one was writing a story. As long as they are doing something and they are not disturbing the kids that take naps they are okay.

I helped some kids read books by pronouncing the words and some kids did cursive in their workbooks. But, what made it really easy for me as their “supervisor’ was that they all knew what to do and where is was located.

However, I realised quickly that once a kids loses interest in whatever they are doing they start talking to other kids and it quickly becomes a circus. So I had to separate some kids and make them work on things. I also learned that if you give these kids a chance to walk over you then they will never listen to you. Sometimes, you have to be a little harsh with this particular age group.

However, I think that all the kids got something productive done and were not particularly sad that they had to separate from their friends. But this was a very interesting and good day for me at my site placement.

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