Step One

Rhea R -

Welcome Back Everyone!

I’ve recently taken the first step into the observation portion of this project, as I have distributed my parent consent forms to both the K-pop Club members and my Diamond Dance Works peers. This will allow them to indicate whether they want to opt out of the research study, if that is their own preference or that of their parents.

In the meantime, I’ve been continuing on with compiling research from articles and published studies into a background research document, so that I can go back and reference my annotations when the time comes for me to write my final project: the lit review. These sources consist of topics such as tips on how to improve muscle memory, how muscle memory operates on a physiological level, and studies done on the brain and its relation to dance to determine whether dance is beneficial to the body in the long-term. I will be continuing to search for additional related materials that can aid in the research so I am able to gather as much information as I can.

The teaching choreography is almost ready to go! The post-chorus, however short, is still not fully integrated into my muscle memory since I haven’t been able to dance with as much energy in a while. However, I’m working out on perfecting the final details this week. I am also looking to meet with my onsite mentor in the near future to get help with constructing the form that students will be using to self-evaluate their dancing abilities.

I’ll keep posting updates as soon as I receive them.


  • Rhea 🙂


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