3/5 – Meeting, Surveys, and Housekeeping.

Sarah W -


Throughout the week I have had various meetings. The first one on Wednesday was just a check- in to make sure we were on track and if there were any trouble. By the end, I gave them a rough draft of my survey questions. The next meeting was specifically for the survey, so we went through and they gave me a lot of useful edits. That was just one day. The next day I had a meeting with all the hospital project people about how to do interviews. This isn’t as useful because I don’t think I will be doing any interviews, but it was still very interesting and informative for later in life. I don’t go to the hospital over the weekend or on Friday so that was nice a break, but on Monday, I started with another meeting and there will be even more next week.


Survey is still underway 

I underestimated how long this survey would take. I got a lot of feedback from the meetings and from my external advisor, so I fixed those. But wait there’s more! Kei just filled out another survey and got inspiration so we decided to add more questions and now we have to get that looked at too. Yesterday, we got more changes including getting rid of some questions. We sent out what we thought was the final survey, but we got an email saying we have to reduce it from 20 questions to 10 questions. It will be hard, but it’s possible!



We got our hospital laptops! If only they worked… trying to figure out how to log into the computers was stressful to say the least. After a week of struggling, we all called up the IT. She helped us reset the password and use the DUO app to get in. She was really nice, so the next time you call anyone to help you, you better be nice too! I will be using that laptop to send out the survey. 

We then tried to do the IRB. I was motivated to do it until I couldn’t even log in. This time, there was no one to call so I don’t think I will ever get in. 


See you next week!

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    Hi Sarah! Don’t worry, I gotchu with the IRB 🙂. We’re almost at the point of sending out the surveys. Do you know what you’ll be focusing on after that’s all out there? I know you’ll be helping me out with some of the analysis, but do you have any side goals? Thanks! -Kei
    Hi Serra, wow you've been busy. So many meetings! It sucks that you have to cut down your survey, what's the reasoning behind making it 10 questions instead of 20? And how do you go about choosing which questions aren't necessary?
      Yeah, it kind of sucks because both Kei and I wanted more information on certain things, but this way a lot more people will answer the survey. I didn't have to think too hard about which questions because my external advisor chose the ones she wanted.
    Only 10 questions?! What's your process for narrowing those down?
    Yay for eventually figuring out the IRB platform- thank you guys for being the guinea pigs so it was faster to problem solve when I got to it :) Like Nathan, I am curious which questions you will eliminate, and how that will shape your final product
      Like I told Nathan and Sedona, my external advisor told me which ones would mean more to get a response to. This narrows down the most important information and when you are doing a survey, you want a lot of people answering, so changing it like this will give us quality and quantity.

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