Dain Y's Senior Project Blog

Project Title: Language Barriers and Bias in Court; How Do We Dispel Linguistic Bias?
BASIS Advisor: Amy Green
Internship Location: Coconino County Attorney's Office
Onsite Mentor: Elissa Gonzalez-Olson, Intern Coordinator Coconino County Attorney's Office

Project Abstract

As an intern at the Coconino County Attorney's Office, my research focus delves into the pervasive issue of language bias within the legal system. In the realm of law, each word holds immense significance, serving as the building blocks to provide a comprehensive understanding of a case and aiding jurors in reaching informed decisions. However, this intricate process poses significant challenges for individuals who do not have English as their first language or lack fluency in the language. While interpreters may be available, the translation of every word may not always be precise, exacerbating the need for effective solutions to address this systemic issue. Moreover, the presence of linguistic bias further compounds the complexity of legal proceedings. A notable example is the George Zimmerman case, wherein the testimony of the primary prosecution witness was undermined due to her African American Vernacular English (VVAE) accent, ultimately influencing the jury's decision and deeming her account to be not credible. These inadvertent biases underscore the urgency to scrutinize and rectify linguistic and translational challenges within the legal framework. Throughout my internship, I aspire to investigate and propose remedies for these inherent biases, with the ultimate goal of fostering a fair and equitable legal system for all individuals, irrespective of language or accent.

    My Posts:

  • Conclusion Post

    Hey there! As I wrap up this chapter of my journey, I want to reflect and express my gratitude. Firstly, I want to thank my advisors for their unwavering support and guidance throughout this process: Dr. Amy Green and Ms. Elissa Gonzalez-Olson. I truly appreciate all the time and effort you've invested in me. I... Read More

  • Week 10: Last Week at the Attorney’s Office and Presentation Prep

    Hello! This will be my last blogpost before I present my senior project at school. I can't believe time flew by so quickly! After this, I will upload my Conclusion post summarizing my experience interning at the Coconino County's Attorney's Office as well as my experience during my presentation. Challenges: As I have been preparing... Read More

  • Week 9: Destroying Cases from PbK (Prosecutor by Karpel)

    Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog post! This week as well as last week, I got to have some hands on experience with the platform Prosecutor by Karpel, also called PbK here. Though I have mentioned this platform previously, just to quickly refresh everyone's memory or explain to those that are new to... Read More

  • Week 8: Final Product – Jury Instruction Sheet

    Hello hello! This week, I have been doing more self research as well as some brainstorming on my final product. For my final product, I am hoping to make a jury instruction sheet either cautioning the jury to be aware of any implicit (linguistic) bias or an instruction sheet that elaborates on certain legal words... Read More

  • Week 7: Meeting With NAU Applied Linguistics Professor

    Hello and welcome back to my blog! :) This week I had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Jesse Egbert, an Applied Linguistics Professor at NAU. Some background on Dr. Egbert is that his focus in linguistics is corpus linguistics. (For those that are unaware of the term, corpus linguistics is the analysis of naturally... Read More

  • Week 6: Getting to Know About Court Interpreters and Translators

    Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting this week's blog post! This week, I was able to meet with the County Court's main translator, Ms. Judith Costello. Through this meeting, I was able to learn a lot more in depth of the role of a court interpreter which I would like to share with you all. Before... Read More

  • Week 5: More Court Observations

    Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my blog! I will begin by speaking about the trial I observed last week in which I got to fully view both the defense's witness direct and cross examination. Once again, though I cannot disclose specific details of the case, I would like to share a bit of what... Read More

  • Week 4: Court Case Observation

    Hello all! Before Spring Break, I got to observe a trial case that I would like to talk about. Though before I do, some basic plans I having for upcoming days is that I plan to observe more trials at various stages such as hearing the attorney's opening statements, presentation of evidence, cross-examination, and so... Read More

  • Week 3: Spring Break Post TBD

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  • Week 2: Rotations

    Hello! This week I had many rotations to meet one-on-one with different employees in the Attorney's Office. A full list of my meeting topics were: Charging Victim Notification Criminal Paralegal Unit Misdemeanors Felonies Coconino County Attorney's Office Values Attorney's Office's Mission Before I begin with giving a brief overview of what I learned, I thought... Read More

  • Week 1: the First Day

    Hello Everyone! This week was my first official day interning at the Coconino County Attorney's Office. For these first couple of weeks my main goal will be to get to see all of the different aspects of the legal process in detail from sorting mail of cases and media files to getting to know how... Read More

  • Introduction to “Language Barriers and Bias in Court; How Do We Dispel Linguistic Bias?”

    When we talk about racial bias or profiling, usually, visual racial profiling is the first kind of bias that comes to mind. However, another equally prominent issue is linguistic profiling which brought about due to bias in auditory cues and accents of one's speech.   Hello, my name is Dain Yi and I will be researching... Read More